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nah, nah. it's fine X3 he's just messing

lol, I get like that to when people mess with me. especially when I'm new to a site. welcome to canterlot, btw :D

Oh, I see! Had a small feeling he was not serious(lol well, really thought I was entering someplace I wasn't supposed to). Thanks for the welcome!

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Umm... Don't really follow... Uhh, are their seperate sections, or something?

[Not sure if serious]

Yeah, not fer serious. Jus messin' xD

Like Angie was sayin, I was a li'l hesitant since you're new and all but I figured we hadda toughen you up somehow >:3

But yeah, welcome to the royal city and a pleasure to meetcha!~

So yeah. Feel free to join in. I dunno why you would since there's LESS than no chance of you winning this thread, but to each their own >:3

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What is that behind the brownie? Banana pudding?

I look into it's black, soulless eyes... and I can hear the abyss calling to me... just whispers... but they echo behind my eyes...

And in that instant... I know... I mustn't sleep. I can't. If I do... Banana Pudding will come to take my soul, to sink it into the depths of it's creamy, banana-ey goodness. Just like Brownie did... his eyes alight with the twinkle of a newly reaped soul.

I look into the eyes of Banana pudding... and the wicked things whisper to me... and I know they're coming for me...

Don't fall asleep. Banana Pudding will find you.

Celestia save us all.

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What is that behind the brownie? Banana pudding?

I look into it's black, soulless eyes... and I can hear the abyss calling to me... just whispers... but they echo behind my eyes...

And in that instant... I know... I mustn't sleep. I can't. If I do... Banana Pudding will come to take my soul, to sink it into the depths of it's creamy, banana-ey goodness. Just like Brownie did... his eyes alight with the twinkle of a newly reaped soul.

I look into the eyes of Banana pudding... and the wicked things whisper to me... and I know they're coming for me...

Don't fall asleep. Banana Pudding will find you.

Celestia save us all.

Oh, you!
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Seriously though, this thread is.... *INHALE*

*Starts up some Gilbert and Sullivan*

Ridiculously meticulous, oh my, most insiduous

Confoundingly desk-poundingly sadistically incredulous

Incredibly indelibly inedibly satirical

And I am writing freeverse in it why I do not really know...

It's ponyfilled madlibs for gibs and fibs are rampant in the air

We're posting one after another, we won't stop, we just don't care

about the state of bandwidth or of refresh rates in addenum

we'll keep on pressing F5 till we lose our fingers, palms and thumb.

In forum jousts, there are no doubts, the winner is the last to leave

we're dodging infractions, downvotes, dislikes while we most surely weave

the most incomprehensible thread ever made imag'nible

But no one knows the reason for it really is a load of bull

It's true in matters forum-based, on IRC or imageboard

I am the very model of a brony who's got very bored!

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My poor, lyrical post, buried beneath countless posts vying for victory, smashed upon the rocks of defeat and so pushed there by an ocean of other shorter posts.

Sleep well, fresh prince, we hardly knew ye.

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