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Oh, excellent. I was hoping we would finish this the refined way.

*sits, puts bow-tie on and adjusts, sipping tea*

I do hope you brought the èclairs, hmm? If not, I will be very disappointed.

So very disappointed.

Now. Where can we come to an agreement for me to win this little thing, huh?

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Of course, of course!

*pulls out the tray of deliciously delectable eclairs and places them on the table*

Now then! Right. This silly little war.

*stirs my cup of tea, producing soft tinking sounds as my tophat grows an inch taller*

I apologize terribly so, but i'm afraid that I simply MUSt be the one to win this engagement.

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Right on cue, Vinyl.

Fawkes! The entertainment is here.

*sips tea, nibbles èclair*

Is your tophat growing? Oh, no matter.

*sips again*

Oh, really? I doubt that. How ever will the country run without its' ruler?

(Is actually drinking tea at the moment! :'D)

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Oh what fun! Dashing good show!

*turns back to Appliance as the Shadowbolts are blasted to the ground in a heap of flame and agonized shrieks of pain*

And yes, i'm afraid it has a terrible penchant for growing when it gets excited. Tea is QUITE the hat affrodisac after all.

*takes a sip of my own tea*

But indeed. This bountifully beautiful kingdom of Equestria simply CAN'T survive without an able hooved, sharp minded, tophat wearing ruler.

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*tips my tophat from my head and pulls out from within two lovely wooden Victorian chairs, placing them around the table for Vinyl and Neo before returning the tophat to my head where it grows another three inches*

Homemade? Don't be ridiculous, my dear pony! How silly. Households can't effectively brew tea. Their brews always taste oaky and dust-laden. How barbarous!

*takes another sip*

This tea was brewed by my very own Sea Serpent assistant.

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30 PAGES!? Are you kidding me?! A few hours ago it was at 25 pages.

What is wrong with you ponies!? Are you crazy? I mean, its one thing to- OH hey! Some ponies still wear top hats?

*digs out own top hat, monocle, and pipe*

Why I do say... *blows out bubbles from pipe*... This tea and biscuits are simple marvelous.

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