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ah, I know this feeling! I sometimes will get moody when I do something online and then I always feel stupid around all the people who were involved and I can't bring myself to face them again. I've done that a few times here, but I keep coming back because I know I'll win, or at least outlast all of you

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ah, I know this feeling! I sometimes will get moody when I do something online and then I always feel stupid around all the people who were involved and I can't bring myself to face them again. I've done that a few times here, but I keep coming back because I know I'll win, or at least outlast all of you

Its in human weakness to sometimes say things or do things before we think things through. In the end its understandable, its only when the disrespect gos prolong-long period and intense-that I get fed up. I've had the same expereince, its all apart of role playing and. generally being on the internet.

you have always been wonderful since I known you. Both you and Conor.

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But that's just it, I'm afraid I'll look like an idiot if I confront him about it :-(

Pride is just a stepping stone to humility. An man with answer and a man who dosen't seek them only to let question linger. I think its far more clear who appears more of the idiot out of those two specimens in that sentence.

Of course, I may be wrong.

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how long has it been?

I've never RPd, but when stuff like this happens to me, I just back off for a few days then try to come back in quietly. chances are, they didn't notice it on their end, since everybody interprets what you write a little differently.

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I'm still scared to say something though, and even so how would I even say it?

Just private message him/ her. Just ask in a kind and none threatening manner is there any tension between you. You feel a past experience may of made a negative impression, one that you would like to move on from for the sake of a good role play. Even if you don't like me or don't beleive me to be of good character I think letting OOC feelings go for a IC expereince is paramount. Reminding each other its about IC fun and not OOC drama normally works well with role players. Only use it of course though if there is a problem, other wise you might seem aggresive just throwing that our first sentence.

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Oh, wonderful. Normandy and Conor are here. This calls for a party. Everyone, over my house. I hope you don't mnid the dark, my lights have been blown. But I still have cake...

you like cake..right?

do you plan on eating me?

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