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"Do you really? You better not just be saying that. My heart couldn't possibly take the let down. It's still smoldering from flattery."

No, no! I totally mean it! Like totally! I love you, bro!

"Oh, why thank you. I appreciate it."

You make me want to caress myself in the dark, while whispering your name.

"Oh my, yes. That's a hard one to resist."

Do... do you feel the same way about... me?


...are... you sure?

"No. Now turn off the lights and say my name~"

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I'm back from a wild party

it was a packed house... with those six people

there was lots of drinking... of milk and pepsi

there were drugs being passed around... because my friend wrote something funny on his prescription bottle

we partied all night... right up until 11:00 pm

and I got chocolate, plushie popsicles and a plushie poptart as Christmas gifts

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I'm back from a wild party

it was a packed house... with those six people

there was lots of drinking... of milk and pepsi

there were drugs being passed around... because my friend wrote something funny on his prescription bottle

we partied all night... right up until 11:00 pm

and I got chocolate, plushie popsicles and a plushie poptart as Christmas gifts

I go to a sports college. On Halloween, I dressed up as a giant chicken. I went to a rockin' club, butt bumped with strangers and danced the dance of fertility.

But you know what, Angikins?

I... am jealous.

ALSO I'd REALLY like to know where people keep finding all this other chocolate... >:[

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Both of those sound better than the parties here :C

Only club within 45 minutes of my school is the most redneck club EVER. And I get thrown out for 'public intoxication'.

So I had a little bit to drink...

So I hit on the girl selling shots...

So I jumped up onto one of the stripper poles...

And danced...

So I threw up on some guy's truck...

Either way, I think they overreacted.

EDIT: It was also 80's night. What else was I gonna do?

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Angie is confused as to what fawkesy means by "other chocolate"

my friend got a mini cupcake maker (from me) and a hand-made plushie goat D: amazingest gifts ever

I MEEEEAAN... I already gave you all teh chocolates in the world. Somehow people seem to keep on finding more...


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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Both of those sound better than the parties here :C

Only club within 45 minutes of my school is the most redneck club EVER. And I get thrown out for 'public intoxication'.

So I had a little bit to drink...

So I hit on the girl selling shots...

So I jumped up onto one of the stripper poles...

And danced...

So I threw up on some guy's truck...

Either way, I think they overreacted.

EDIT: It was also 80's night. What else was I gonna do?

...I clearly do not party hardy enough.


Also, Imagination, I JUST came across this most peculiar sentence in this book I'm reading. I was hoping you could help me make sense of it :3

It reads:

"Hoffman was marooned here as second in command to a goddamn ARTIST - and an artillery captain, at that."

Any ideas? :3

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, yes that.


I was just given a re-gift from myself!

maybe this is why Angie didn't get any hugs for her cupcake maker either TT3TT Ellen's goat got her hugs, Angie's cupcake maker gets her no hugs

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, yes that.


I was just given a re-gift from myself!

maybe this is why Angie didn't get any hugs for her cupcake maker either TT3TT Ellen's goat got her hugs, Angie's cupcake maker gets her no hugs


Musta read the fan-fic.

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't traumatized the poor girl x:

Oooh! Teehee!

If she was a pony fan, which she probably wasn't, you shoulda drawn up a li'l recipe leaflet for Dashie Cupcakes to go with it /)^3^(\

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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