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people are so nice here! Bronies/Pegasisters is one of the best sub-cultures!

Oh, Your new. I love meeting new people!

You are already staying in the thread, your going to continue posting, right. Welcome to the Thread of Love. I am Sulvuss the resident love spreader and you seem really nice. I can't wait for us to become great freinds, I can see you are the sort of person people are really going to find a charm to be around!

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corrupted... by love?

That Conor. They all like to play war games and make jokes but they love me really. I know they do. And I love them.

I role played for seven years, give reviews when I can and have drawn since I was able to hold a pencil so if you need any help with writting-I don't really keep in the RP loop in mlp forums but if you want a review of a sheet or a book ectr then thats more my area-or drawing then just let me know.

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