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spot number one for non-staff?

most of my stuff is just short little "I'm just gonna add my two cents here..." type posts :P most of my non-spam posts don't have much content either

at least I think they don't... I watch the spam stables, chit chat, entertainment, art discussion, FiM series and brony chatter forums, and I rarely bother to check which one I'm posting in when I get a notification for a new topic :P

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There is one anomaly.

One which has perplexed me for awhile.

I've been meaning to ask Artax about it, actualy.

Phil the Time Wizard.

He is one of, if not THE, most active person on the board.

You know... over time, or whatever.

However, he doesn't appear in the members list. Or ANY such list.

He has 1,800 posts though~

Veerrrrrrrry perplexing.


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There is one anomaly.

One which has perplexed me for awhile.

I've been meaning to ask Artax about it, actualy.

Phil the Time Wizard.

He is one of, if not THE, most active person on the board.

You know... over time, or whatever.

However, he doesn't appear in the members list. Or ANY such list.

He has 1,800 posts though~

Veerrrrrrrry perplexing.


Hmmm intrigueing. And I seem on that thing that tells whatever member is online or not and he gets classified as on.Must be a glitch or something.

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I noticed that he wasn't on the top 20, but I always just figured he posted less than I thought ._. which is kind of a stupid thing to assume, since I have taken note of his posts before

never made the connection...

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...you say it like it's a chore, Conor xD

Like comin' on Canterlot and posting is like working a job.

I'm sure hes noticed it and he's fine with it~

But another thing, he will likely be rewarded for it in a month or two.

You see, there is a thread buried somewhere...

Very ollllllld thread.

I don't remember where precisely, possibly in the Spam Stables, but it involved a conversation between staffers and members talking about the first non-staff to reach Wonderbolt and how the staff has agreed to give that member a small prize.

I think I mentioned this here once before.

It is my theory that THIS is one of the main reasons why a post-cap was placed on the Spam Stables. Well, that coupled with Conor's and Sulvuss' rocketing post count.

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So this was my fault....

Wait....they did this to ensure Phil would win didn't they?!

I feel robbed by circumstance!

They're belittling our post count!

They did it so no pony would win simply by posting a whole lotta spam xD

(My theory, at least)

Phil hardly ever posts in the Spam Stables.

Less than 400 of his 1,800 posts are in the Stables.

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