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No strangely enough Fawkes, it's not the staff....

I don't really have a name for them, but they seemed to be a tight group..

I'll give two examples from that group of people who I think are ignoring me....

Gingermint and Ashton, you know who Ashton is Sulvuss right?

The ashtonSG and Ashton.

Wait, why would he do that. AshtonSG seems to get along pretty well with others.

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I'm 15 Sulvuss...

Why do you ask?

Conor. You are clay..you are a man, a man waiting to be molded into something great. Don't feel down, don't feel pessimistic. FOr you to be angry at yourself or derpessed or unsure is like being doubtful or unsure of bricks since they are not yet made into a house. You got much time to become molded through experience, expirementation and hard work to being perhaps one of the greatest artist ever.

We cannot see our true potential, even I can't and I'm twenty. Us men. We reach our prime, our deciding hour around early twenties to mid twenties. You are good for your age at what you do.

Try, march forth young man. Keep your head strong and be yourself. Express yourself and never relent on your passions. Your blade will be sharpenend by the harsh rocks that cover this deadly jagged valley known as life. It takes many blows to make a man, like it takes many blows for a black smith to turn metal into armour.

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No I don't....

No idea why not though..

I guess I just wanted people to assume I'm older and treat me like an adult...

Was that wrong of me to do?

You... don't?

How did I know you were 15 then? >:[

Did you... used to have your age?

Huh... that's odd.

Maybe I was confusing you with Rockzy...

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But that's just it Sulvuss...

I don't want to be 'good for my age' I wanna be better than that...

I'm just....... jealous of that group...

There...I said it.... :-(

Great, use that passion to fuel the flames of hard work to become better than that group.

Its all apart of the process, its all apart of the travel. As long as you keep control and stay dedicated you will shine through.

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But what if I don't?

What if I'm just kidding myself?

What if, no matter what I do I'll never be anything like that group?

I rarely feel jealousy and that's why I'm soo concerned...

You are a guy. You feel jealously naturally, its apart of our competitive nature. We are meant to use it make ourself to try and excel past our percieved opponent.

Look, you can't see what you will be. You have NO idea the potential of your talent if you give up. Neither do I. If you give up though or resign yourself to the lower group of guys you will always wonder...

what if I tried harder. What if I pushed further. The qeustion dosen't matter because it can't be answer..not by you..not by me. Only by time. So you might as well fight with all you got.

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