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...thank you for the attempt at helping me to improve grammatically, but I spelt it 'doit' on purpose, dear Volty.

I KNEW you cared~ <3

Oh, my deepest apologies then. It must have escaped my attention.

And of course I cared. I care about everypony I know. Even though I'm not showing this too often.

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*trots over and sits a little away from the group*

I always thought I was fun. I am, right Fawkes? I mean I play volleyball and everything.

You can sit with me if you like. We can drink Earl Grey tea and I can use my English voice if you like. My dear solar flare.

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*trots over and sits a little away from the group*

I always thought I was fun. I am, right Fawkes? I mean I play volleyball and everything.

*nods, nods*

Of course you are, my dear.

I can honestly say you're on the funner side of the spectrum.




*bats away all the hooves and handshakes offered to Aria*


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I have that feeling I should say something to Sulvuss.

I'm not speaking too much with him, and it makes me feel guilty of things I'm not doing.




Porcupine Tree.

Its ok, Volts. I know that you love me and I love you. Its so sweet of you to think of me though. It really brightened my day.

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Stop provoking me Fawky~ Just accept others point of view and go with the flow. This issue will solve itself.

There IS no issue and there IS no other point of view, my dear chap >:I

I KNOW, Aria.

...for the most part.

And she's just the same as she was yesterday and the day before that :I

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