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the weirdest thing I've ever found in my bed was a bloodstain on my pillow

my face was bleeding

I was doing an art project on my bed and fell asleep on my scissors

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the weirdest thing I've ever found in my bed was a bloodstain on my pillow

my face was bleeding

I was doing an art project on my bed and fell asleep on my scissors

I once did something similar.

Of course I was using a desk and a knife instead.

I was once told that I can fall asleep anywhere.

School bus (check)

Plane (check)

Every room in my house (check)

The floor, table, and desk in the living room (check)

Helicopter (check, and boy was that money worth it)

Car (check)

Car while driving (I don't wanna talk about it)

The knife one was my favorite.

I once had a dream where a hundred bees attacked and stung me. A bee stung me at Sam's later that day.

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Not good with children?


But look at my big red smile.


don't I look friendly?

And I can do magic.


I can make pencils disappear.

And you wonder why I mistook you for a girl...

You're theb 3rd person to mistake me for a girl.



I should just claim to be a girl then.



Idea, next new guy that comes around, say im a girl.

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Nope! No connection there!

Oh, aren't you a clever little muffin.

-trots after Appy-

Nuuuuu D:

I want to glompz juuuuuu!

Hands off my cash, Monty!





Thank you.

>Thanked for no evident reason

Your words of gratitude are ruled dilatory.

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