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That sounds really interesting with the different types of damage, especially with a support psychiatrist class. It certainly warrants a try, though if we find it to be a little too complicated then we could find a way to simplify it.

Yeah. I simplified the stat choices to try to make up for this. The safe zone are made pretty clear-pretty much you don't want to let people drop below 60%-I'm trying to keep it complex in design but simple in actual interface. I think the only thing that may actually make it complicated are lethality and negative zones so I might balance them and tweak them alot more. Those two still need a little work, especially lethality.

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I saw a pony belt at Hot Topic a few days ago, and I had an internal conversation about it. "Pony belt! It's really expensive. I'm not paying that." "But it's poooony!" "Nope!" "You know you're going to come back two days later to buy this thing." "I know."

See ya later, off to get a pony belt!

I have no willpower...

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Thinking on it, as much as I'd like to be a healing focused medic, I would absolutely love to try out a psychiatrist and see what sort of effects can make characters lose sanity

Is there a way I could be both? Or could I be a medic with a few psychiatrist skills? something along those lines

At the moment, not entirely because all the classes are being created. I might add a psych/healing class but right now its original form is a stat boosting, sanity protecting class and more of an over all support character with mild weapon capabilities. I might change it to be more magic based though.

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dern you pegasus, I really wanna steal you idea and make fighting characters of everyone ;~; I already drew myself

but I won't steal it because my to-do list for art is 41 items long XP

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I personally like to have a melee weapon about when I'm running into a fray to heal teammates, but that's just me.

Well, you can in really use any weapon you like although most you won't be trained as. For example a Woven-special kind of mage-can't use two handed weapons but he has the choice to use nothing but a staff-but specialize in it-and thus gain the additional bonuses from that or use both a staff and a one handed weapon he desires. I'll properly do the same for healing class in some respect.

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Open $10 roll of quarters for change, get $9.75. Open $5 roll of dimes for change as well, get $5.10.

Seems legit. Somepony at this bank can't count, and it's not me.

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I really should. The unfortunate part is that since it's a Saturday, I'm the only one running the motor bank. I better not have to post a shortage on my account just because I got messed up change rolls.

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