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Well...this is awkward...

Oh wait, how did the babysitting go then Angie?

we started the night with mario cart, went on with madagascar 2, did some interpretative dance, then she went to bed. I also squished her face.

You're toe must have remembered the surgery some how... Watch any movies starring a "foot" lately?

my surgery six years ago was to have my appendix removed. it had nothing to do with my feet XD I also get bruises in the night, so I must subconsciously beat myself up

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we started the night with mario cart, went on with madagascar 2, did some interpretative dance, then she went to bed. I also squished her face.

my surgery six years ago was to have my appendix removed. it had nothing to do with my feet XD I also get bruises in the night, so I must subconsciously beat myself up


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I've only been to the hospital twice.

Once when I awoken one morning and my ankle was all big and painful like. It was fun because I couldn't walk for a week. They never did tell me what was wrong.

And the other time was when I was 8 months old and my throat closed up. I don't think I survived.... shame.

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Oh hay there Fawkes :)

Looking forward to tommorow then?


Oh drat D:

Mmmm.... I don't think im gonna be able to... do that >:


I can give you the address of the live stream and we can chillax here :3

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Oh noooooo.


Do I feel--..?

No no. Of... of course not.

I didn't even really want to anyway...



Its a god awful small affair.

To the pony who tried to share.

But Conor is saying 'no'

And he's saying he can't watch the show!

But Penumbra is no were to be seen.

So he trots though his sunken dream

To the site with the clearest view

And he's hooked to the pony screen.

But the show is a sanding bore.

Because there's one less pony than before.

He's about to be lonely again.

As they ask him to votes for some

Ponies singing on the stage floor!

Oh man, look at Twilight go!

Its the manliest show!

Take a look pinkie breaking the forth wall.

Oh man! Wonder if she'll ever know!

There on the greatest show!

Is there life on Equestria?!

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