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mm, I don't really have much art to show... >_> my stuff is all pretty basic and I'm not entirely proud of most of it...

but I drew my avi :^D and that picture of Fawkes that turned out better than most of my work

kinda average looking, but that's my skill level at the moment...

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mm, I don't really have much art to show... >_> my stuff is all pretty basic and I'm not entirely proud of most of it...

but I drew my avi :^D and that picture of Fawkes that turned out better than most of my work

kinda average looking, but that's my skill level at the moment...

That looks amazing, if you keep practicing that style I think you could make something totally of your own, you know the show '16'? If you did something like that with the animation like your avatar, I think you could make something really amazing

Why do people always not like what they made, or they always have something bad to say about it?

You ever noticed that XD

The reason for that is because you, are your own biggest critic, mostly its to self improve yourself. I knew this long ago.

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Nononononono D:

I wasn't saying you're art is bad, cause it's not...

I was just thinking that whene-

Nevermind, I sound like an idiot now....just forget I said anything :(

I'm just gonna go...to a dark corner, where I won't bother anyone....:/

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The second one has very good strong line structure. Specifically around the face. Kind of jaded to anime. Its not that I don't like it its just well...everyone does it. Gets kind of reptetitive after a while. But besides tha,t if you keep practicing and expirement with colour you could most likely built a cereer out of it.

But then again, I haven't seen that many different poses going on yet so I can't really judge that far ahead without seeing humans and different dimensional shots. To be fair. But you definately have the hand for it.

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Nononononono D:

I wasn't saying you're art is bad, cause it's not...

I was just thinking that whene-

Nevermind, I sound like an idiot now....just forget I said anything :-(

I'm just gonna go...to a dark corner, where I won't bother anyone.... :/

ah, ah, I didn't mean you were calling my art bad D: I mean I wasn't calling myself bad. some people get mad at me when I critisize myself too harshly

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That's it!

I'm convinced!

Everyone outside of this thread is flat out ignoring me!


What did I ever do?!

What..did...I.... :-(

Slaps you across the face "STOP TALKING LIKE THAT RIGHT NOW!! I won't have any sad faces, not here. Look they aren't ignoring you. And there is nothing wrong with you. Trust me your a wonderful person/pony and you guys are some of the friendliest people I ever met on any forum, you should be proud of that.

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Thats all being part of an artist tho, sometimes I think someone else is more suited to draw then me.

I have no problem with self critism to help myself improve, but I try not to critisize myself out loud too much because I don't like it when people get all dramatic about it >_>

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It's just in general!

Why is it me that they suddenly don't want to talk to?!

I don't understand...

That's what's making me upset, not the fact that they're ignoring me, but the fact I can't understand why....

That's a horrible thought.

What would batman think..tusk...tusk...tusk..

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Hi Angie !

I never said to you, I love your avatar ! She looks so happy, it makes me want to hug her xD

Edit : And Conor, you need a hug ! If I had a cool hug gif under my hand I'd use, but I don't, so I give you pinkie smileys instead ! :Pinkie::smirk::D:Pinkie:

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