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I'M envious cuz they contribute just SO MUCH to the Mane Roleplay, in the form of Lore.

They're all VERY intelligent.



*agree with this*

I tried to be one of those people when I first started out, but I'm not really cut out for it :/

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I'm not jealous of RPing...I do very well in that regard in fact...

I actually feel jealous towards two people in particular...


And DantonDanmark.....

Both are better writers than me.....:(

In fact, that can be said for a lot of people on this site compared to me.... :sleep:

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I'm intelligent...



Yes. Yes you are.


So are they though...

I was imaginative once...

I think Skyrim melted most of my mind though...

I'm desperately trying to get my imagination back... >:

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I'm not jealous of RPing...I do very well in that regard in fact...

I actually feel jealous towards two people in particular...


And DantonDanmark.....

Both are better writers than me..... :-(

In fact, that can be said for a lot of people on this site compared to me.... :sleep:

Don't feel glum, Conor. I'm not the greatest writer either if you've read any of my work. But remember, you'll only become better.

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I'm not jealous of RPing...I do very well in that regard in fact...

No, I'm not talking about RPing. I'm talking about Lore-making.


Writing the scientifically logical laws of an imaginary world.

They're all VERY good at it.

*agree with this*

I tried to be one of those people when I first started out, but I'm not really cut out for it :/

Oh my...

I plan on trying to crawl my way into that li'l clique >;


I bought a book on World-Building...

Maybe that'll help me out >:

*fingers crossed*

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It's actually pretty easy to contribute to the lore. You just need to come up with something that would fit into the Mane RP and present the idea in its entirety. They've conributed so much because 1. They're mostly staff for the RP section on the board, so it's kinda their job

and 2. Their ideas fit with the continuity and/or are flexible enough to be included.

For example:

Brian's introduction of the Shadowbolts into the RP. Are there Shadowbolts in the show? After Nightmare Moon, no. BUT he made the concept fit with the present storyline by twisting up the story a bit. It's flexible enough to fit, because one could imagine it very easily happening in that world.

Or Diomedes' topic on the REA. We know NOTHING about the Royal Army save for what little we've seen of them in the show, and that's mostly shown a guard function. Diomedes expanded on what we've seen and what others would expect out of a military force in that sort of culture and gave us the regular REA and the Honor Guard!

In terms of fanfic writing, it's good to have writers to compare yourself to, but you don't always have to look at it in a negative fashion. Think of them as inspirations, or even a goal! A goal as in the level of writer you wish to be! The only way to do that is to keep writing! Put your thoughts on the screen and just make a great story! If some people don't like it, fine! As long as you're proud of your work, that's all that matters.

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Or Diomedes' topic on the REA. We know NOTHING about the Royal Army save for what little we've seen of them in the show, and that's mostly shown a guard function. Diomedes expanded on what we've seen and what others would expect out of a military force in that sort of culture and gave us the regular REA and the Honor Guard!

The REA actually kinda irks me somewhat, if I think about it too much. The amount of thought that Dio poured into was simply fantastical and is a perfect example of that genius intelligence that I was talking about. However, it just seems to rub me the wrong way sometimes. There is no sign of a military in MLP. All we have ever seen were guards. During all of the peace-shattering events that occurred in Ponyville, NEVER do we see hide nor hair of a military force. Even when there's a rampant dragon on the loose, it's The Wonderbolts who are sent.

PLUS, for all their talk about the MLP universe being one which is entirely separate from the violent 'Human' issues that we deal with in our world, and how everyone should stop trying to fit those human concepts into the friendly, lovey, violence-free pony world, they accept the idea of a Pony Military pretty quickly. Even if it IS just a defensive force :3

I dunno. I think it's a brilliantly thought out addition to the Lore and I couldn't compliment Dio's work on it enough, but I just think it conflicts with the Staff's rules for new lore in a couple of ways.

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And Angie, why do so many new people join EVERY day? D:

I enjoy welcoming new ponies in the Intro thread. I really do.

But I just can't STAND copy/pasta welcomes. I think they're phony.

So I write a unique welcome every time I welcome someone.



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