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I'm obsessed with near perfection though x:

I like for things to have symbolic meanings and to fit into backstories and be beyond unique.

Plus I have a plan to a some point bring all my OC's together in some way or another.

I dunno.

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But that's the thing about RPing Fawkes...

Things never go as you expect them, that's what makes it soo fun :)

Thinking of ways to work with ever changing situations whilst still staying character....I hope you don't mind me using a personal example again...

That OC I just showed you, he went to get a jacket repaired in Canterlot and now he's in a relationship with a scientist....

I never expected that to happen, but it was fun anyway :D

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But that's the thing about RPing Fawkes...

Things never go as you expect them, that's what makes it soo fun :)

Thinking of ways to work with ever changing situations whilst still staying character....I hope you don't mind me using a personal example again...

That OC I just showed you, he went to get a jacket repaired in Canterlot and now he's in a relationship with a scientist....

I never expected that to happen, but it was fun anyway :D

I tried explaining this to soooo many new guys and generall bad RP'ers throughout my years and god. You have no idea how refreshing and warming it is for you to say it..without no one having to directly ask in anyway.

I normally got some crap rant from them brought along with swears words and insuilts.

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Well sure, I understand that you can't plan out the Roleplay ITSELF like that. Nor are you really supposed to.

That detracts from the fun of it all.

But I do want the foundation of my character to be near perfect.

His future can be just as chaotic and unknowable as the roleplay, but I think he should have a solid backstory.

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Alright, I get it....no problem...

But to be honest, a back story's all well and good...just don't let your focus on that take away from the character's personalty...

A back story rarely has any effect on a character during roleplay, unless it's in a story or a flashback, which doesn't happen often in my experience..

But maybe I just don;t understand because I don't know the character...

Can you give an brief overlook on his back story?

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Well it seems you were hanging about with the wrong people Sulvuss :D

That a very large majority of the role playing community, Conor.

you see, I hang about in general role palying communities before this. Here there a large sense of harmony because despite everyone being role players, they are intially more passive to each other because they are unified in their fandom.

Try role playing in wow..or Role Play Gateway. It oks..when you start. However as you get better and better, the choices of role players who can keep up become more few. Eventually you end up teaching most people or them becoming aggressive towards you because you come off as pretentious-when your not..you just want to role play but are forced to hang about more inexpereinced guys for any kind of fun-

plus ontop of this, Rolepalying is a form of art and most people in art, especially when we reach mass have some sort of ego issues. ESPECIALLY in any form of acting.which in turns is one of the reasons people react so strongly in general Role Playing sites. WOW is not bad..but its like speed dating, the got to dance across loads of different people in split second in prompt and hope you like each other style. But because its such a popular game you have to shuffle through a lot of jerks most of the time first.

granted, it worth it. Because when you meet a good role player or actor ectr you tend to have a very long, very fruitful relationship.

However. I did not role play on fan sites before and I'm pretty sure they are more stable than just general role palying forums. People are more snobby or insecure in general role playing sites too-since its heavily focused on the writting and not just role playing in your favourite show-

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Alright, I get it....no problem...

But to be honest, a back story's all well and good...just don't let your focus on that take away from the character's personalty...

A back story rarely has any effect on a character during roleplay, unless it's in a story or a flashback, which doesn't happen often in my experience..

But maybe I just don;t understand because I don't know the character...

Can you give an brief overlook on his back story?

Well that's exactly it. The backstory is what directly influences his personality :3

I needta work that backstory out a bit more tho ;3


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