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Battlefield 3 anyone?


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Trying the beta right now. It looks really good so far except... I can't hit the side of a barn worth peanuts XP

It has been entertaining so far.

Congrats! you've qualified to be our Squad's medic... Juice me up bro while i snipe this little bugger...

heh, it's okay... I use up an entire clip on just one or two people usually...

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I'm super excited; had a ton of fun with BC2, and what I've tried of the Beta (when it's not glitching) was alot of fun. I can't wait to have vehicles, and a squad of friends, and just general tactical mayhem at my fingertips. Between BF3 and Skyrim, I dunno how I'll hold down a job XD

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I'm really hating on the server browser and join system. I hate the fact that you need a web browser AND Origin open just to search for and join a game. Why can't the system be handled from Origin or with an in-game server browser? Also, party join is broken and there's no way to form squads while in game, which makes it really hard to party up with your friends and play on PC.

That said, the game itself is great. Infantry combat is fast, fluid, and brutal. I quickly found that the AK-74+PSO1+Heavy Barrel+Grip is a devastatingly effective counter-sniper platform, especially when firing on single-shot mode. The M16 is better close up because of its higher rate of fire and lower recoil. I'll keep trying to find the Caspian Border servers so I can get some vehicle gameplay in, but they're always full.

Because of the way recoil is handled in the game and because of lag, it's not uncommon to spend at least a mag per kill. That's why the support class is so important. It's really underutilized at this point since everyone just wants to kill stuff or get medic points as Assault. I can't tell you how many times I've run out of ammo at an inopportune time just because of the prodigious rate of ammo consumption in that game.

But now I'm just rambling. If any of you guys play on PC, PM me for my Battlelog name. I normally play with my clanmates, but I'd be willing to pop in for a few rounds with the bronies if my usual crew is busy :P

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I can't say that I am with a straight face. I mostly blame Call of Duty for this, but the modern FPS is just kind of dead to me. Sure, there are things that will pop up and catch my eye like Deus Ex and Syndicate, but overall, they seem to be running on the cut-and-dry formula that Call of Duty put center-stage with Modern Warfare, and now everything and everyone is trying to be just like that. It's just making things less fun for me.

Though between the two, I'll pick Battlefield any day. Haggard and Sweetwater are hands down the funniest characters in any FPS game I can remember.

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I can't wait for BF3!

CoD: Black Ops was awesome, for it's time...but gamers gotta move on. There is no way I'm buying MW3. It looks like a Black Ops DLC, to be honest. :/

Want my word of advice? Get BF3 on the PC for the full experience. :D

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