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Compliment the User Above You

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I would never had reached that if it wasn't for people like you Ashton :)

You were there from the beginning from me and you've always been awesome, you gave me incentive to keep coming back to this site...

And I really can't thank you enough for that :D

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So nice to see a person as young as you having such a mature and firm understanding of the basic rules of Role Playing You would be surprised at how many people are eluded to such a basic tenants. This shows that you think and that you observe. Something that should always be appreciated.

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Hah, spam stables regulars are easy enough to spot on day one. Don't know much about you yet Conor, but if your location is correct I'm jealous bro. Emerald Isle represent!

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Your always the last and seem to be the person I'm complimenting most of the time.

You try to fix problems and issues with yourself, while most teenagers bemoan the world and act like the problem will go away if they can find the right place or the world will fix itself so the issue is no longer in the way. Maturity!

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You're a very creative and just an awesome person in general Sulvuss :)

You showed up out of practically nowhere and the first thing you wanted to do here was help other people :D

That says a lot of things about you, and all of them are good ;)

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