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Saying hello all the way from South Africa!


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About myself.: Well, I'm a brony. No surprise there. :P I like to know a little bit of everything, so I consider myself a jack of trades, master of none. I'll admit that I was a late brony, only discovering the pony with in, a few weeks before the second season had started, but I've made up for lost time, watching every episode and even starting my own Fac-fic, which has gathered more positive feedback than I could ever imagine.

As for where I live...well I live in sunny South Africa! A place where you can find practically every and any environment in the world in one place. Snow? we have it, although only in certain regions and on top of mountains...but its there non the less. Rainforest? We have it!, desserts? Have em too. A warm and cold ocean current? On the east side its warm, the west is cold, but the best part is you could travel from the west to east side of South Africa in a day and a half! I love my country of birth. what I love even more is where I live. I live in a rather small home, in a suburb that is, believe it or not, next to a dairy farm. Yep, fresh milk is never in short supply!

But what about me? Well, I'm entering my last year of school, I'm a nerd and proud of that fact too! I slowly introduced parkour into the my school. Although it took me a long time to convince the teachers I wasn't vandalizing anything when I jumped off of roofs and rolled on the grass. If you meet in person, I think the first thing you would notice is how tall I am. I'm 2M tall and proud! My hair almost brushes door ways as I enter them seeing as they are all 2.1M tall. If you had to describe me using single words?

Smart, funny and absolutely crazy (with a side of random).

I enjoy enjoy long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners and...wait wrong site.

I love writing, I always have. I used to participate in Sci-fi RP's when I was younger and enjoyed every moment of it.

I hope to meet more bronies here who also share my passion for writing. Which, I'm almost certain I will.

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I write fan-fics and was curious as to if there were any RP

How did you became a fan of FiM?: I have no idea...one day I was staring at my screen with ponies jumping up and down in front of me and I fell in love with them.

My one favourite main cast pony?: AppleJack

Bolt the pony!

He's main character of my fan fic, I'll probably be using him in some RP's too. :kissy:


Edited by YINNY
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Welcome to Canterlot, YINNY! I'm Tenkan, and I have a feeling you'll fit right in to this great place!

I love South Africans! I'm very familiar with many from where I come from, to be honest. You guys have such an interesting culture!

Also, good luck with your last year, man! It was exactly half-way through my Senior year of Highschool that I discovered the awesomeness that is MLP: FiM, which unfortunately served as a very big distraction from my studies. So be careful about that. :P

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Welcome to Canterlot, YINNY! I'm Tenkan, and I have a feeling you'll fit right in to this great place!

I love South Africans! I'm very familiar with many from where I come from, to be honest. You guys have such an interesting culture!

Also, good luck with your last year, man! It was exactly half-way through my Senior year of Highschool that I discovered the awesomeness that is MLP: FiM, which unfortunately served as a very big distraction from my studies. So be careful about that. :P

Hey there Tenkan! Thanks, I think I'm going to fit in here just fine too. I've been browsing the site, its a lot bigger than I expected... :-| but I'll find my way through soon enough. fear not!

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ok this is going to sound sooo bad.... but ah did not even new of South Africa. XD ah was thinking it was just all Africa. you know with guys in huts and all that.

But ya, that past nice meeting ya! Ever is fun to meet some one from a land ah know like NOTHING of. :3

and it's quiet do to me not being here! time to start his party!

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Hey there Tenkan! Thanks, I think I'm going to fit in here just fine too. I've been browsing the site, its a lot bigger than I expected... :-| but I'll find my way through soon enough. fear not!

Nah, you're good! ;)

And don't worry, you just need to find the right places to chill!

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ok this is going to sound sooo bad.... but ah did not even new of South Africa. XD ah was thinking it was just all Africa. you know with guys in huts and all that.

But ya, that past nice meeting ya! Ever is fun to meet some one from a land ah know like NOTHING of. :3

and it's quiet do to me not being here! time to start his party!

Awsum! lets start a party! and yes it does sound bad :P seeing as we hosted the 2010 soccer world cup. :) I was laughing at the huts bit. Did you know the HUD's that American jet fighter pilots see in their helmets, is a technology that was developed here in SA?

Nah, you're good! ;-)

And don't worry, you just need to find the right places to chill!

haha, great! Any suggestions?

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Awsum! lets start a party! and yes it does sound bad :P seeing as we hosted the 2010 soccer world cup. :) I was laughing at the huts bit. Did you know the HUD's that American jet fighter pilots see in their helmets, is a technology that was developed here in SA?

hold on they have HUD's? ah did not even know that. o.o .....and they have a soccer world cup? well ah'm just learning a tone of new things!

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Hiiii ! :D

South Africa ! That's awesome ! What are the languages you speak ? Do you speak Africaans ? Zulu ? Xhosa ? Tswana ? Another one ? Or just english ? (I love languages !) South Africa is a country that I'd like to visit one day. I've seen Botswana (well, Gabarone and the safari reserves my godfather loves) but not South Africa yet.

Welcome to Canterlot and have fun !

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haha, great! Any suggestions?

Well, I'm always hanging out in the General Discussion section. You'll pretty much find a lot of members talking about anything there. Mostly about stuff we can all relate to, or stuff we're into.

But don't forget, Canterlot's got a great RP community, and serves as an awesome hub for everything pony! It's pretty much the only MLP:FiM site I visit, aside from EquestriaDaily and Brony memebase. :D

ok this is going to sound sooo bad.... but ah did not even new of South Africa. XD ah was thinking it was just all Africa. you know with guys in huts and all that.

But Dusty! Cape town! Last year's FIFA World Cup! Nelson Mandela, for crying out loud! :-|

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Hiiii ! :D

South Africa ! That's awesome ! What are the languages you speak ? Do you speak Africaans ? Zulu ? Xhosa ? Tswana ? Another one ? Or just english ? (I love languages !) South Africa is a country that I'd like to visit one day. I've seen Botswana (well, Gabarone and the safari reserves my godfather loves) but not South Africa yet.

Welcome to Canterlot and have fun !

haha, I have to say I like your enthusiasm, but yes I speak two languages, English and Afrikaans both fluently. My mother is able to speak a bit of Zulu though and yes, you have to come visit! South Africans are known for their friendliness to any and everypony.

just a general nod to everyone as I'm sure you are all wondering :P

I'm a white male South African.

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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the Chat Room & live roleplay.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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