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The Dark Knight Rises


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  • 2 weeks later...

So hey turns out this movie IS AWESOME AS HELL!!

Like seriously if you ask me they ended the series perfectly.

Agreed strongly.

Just got back from seeing it, and for me, personally, it tops The Dark Knight. Most anticipated film of the summer and it did not disappoint me in the slightest. Exceptional film. :smug:

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I saw this over the weekend, and have to say that Nolan is a genius!

I am just so amazed at this movie and the overall master work that is The Dark Knight Trilogy (Eat my butt Lord of the rings) and so I will sum up what I thought of this movie and the other two and because its probably going to be a big block of text full of spoilers so prepare for a big block of text in the following spoiler tag:

Nolans Dark Knight saga practically had me in the first movie, now I didnt know who Nolan was at the time as I didnt see any of his movies.

For me Batman begins is more or less a mixed bag, I like it but it does fall short compared to the latter two movies IMHO.

But I digress, it does make a sturdy enough foundation to build upon a franchise like this.

Begins however does fall short for one very good reason, I called most of its plot out as it deviated little from what I knew about Batmans origin story, but as a comic adaptation it does its job and does it well.

Though the addition of Ra's Al Ghoul and scarecrow did get my attention to be sure as some people dont know much about them outside the comics and or the animated series (which I might have said is where I know Batman best from).

Dark Knight though, different bag of noodles altogether.

The idea of escalation introduced in the first movie is carried through excellently by the late Heath Ledger and his performance as The Joker.

As opposed to dealing with crime bosses and secret organizations Batman is dealing with pure madness ready to tear down everything Batman worked for in Begins.

Everything just clicked in The Dark Knight, the messages of how far things can go before you have a breaking point and the downfall of not one but two heroes.

Each piece of The Dark Knight is a finely crafted piece of clockwork and barely skips a beat, each piece of the movie crafted to make you either feel uncomfortable with the Joker scenes, somber with the Batman/ Bruce Wayne scenes and hopeful but cautious with the Harvey Dent scenes until he becomes Two-Face.

This is the story of the downfall of a hero, his swift plummet from a hero to criminal all due to the workings of a madman.

The plot was very well thought out, asking questions that no other comic based movie would never ask.

The movie is fantastic and was my favorite movie of all time until:

The Dark Knight Rises now seems like an appropriate title, it summarizes all the thoughts of its predecessors and is the most thematically beautiful piece of the whole series and finishes off the series well.

As soon as the movie begins you get a felling that the peace Batman fought for is chipping away, much like Begins it is very somber throughout the first bits of the movie after Banes big debut.

But once Bane starts showing up the themes of panic an anarchy set in TDK, a sense of madness takes over everyone and the fragile peace is shattered.

Batman himself is a reflection of the franchise as a whole, he starts off rather somber but slowly becomes more bold and breaks out.

The whole theme of falling is both represented by Banes defeat of Batman mid movie, once more the Batman falls and has to ovcercome.

The theme of the series was there all along, right from the beginning of Begins where Bruce fell down the well.

The theme of the first movie Why do we fall? So we learn to pick ourselves back up again is the whole theme of the trilogy.

Begins was the outer rim of the well, TDK was Fall into the well, and Rises was his rise from the fall.

This is the main reason why i think this movie beats out Dark Knight for me, not for the movie alone but the whole tying in of themes from the last movies.

Its like a fine web that Nolan has spun for us, or a beautiful painting that takes us by the hand and never lets go.

On its own I will say that Rises is better then Begins but still not up to par with the last movie but as a finality to this incredibly awesome film series it takes the themes of the last two films and comprises them all into one nice and awesome package.

Nolan has my deepest respect as a film maker, I will argue that he is a legitimate artist with what he does as he paints something before you and its up to you to see what he made.

And I was right about Anne Hathaway too being this movies big surprise IMHO, she was not overly catty or slutty as most depictions of Catwoman but she did show that she was a very dynamic actress.

My freak out point was when Banes origin story was twisted into Talia's in this case, blew me away that one.

In any case words cannot express my feelings on this move any farther, it is made of pure awesome and I loved every minute of it.

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hi hi

While this film is not without criticisms from me, I did think it was rather spectacular on the whole. I really appreciated that they took the issue of the "helpful lie," head on, that was leftover from Dark Knight.

If I have one complaint, it is that they tried to do too much, and so some of the threads in the story didn't get the screen time I felt they deserved. Alfred and Commissioner Gordon got sidelined in some cases where I think they ought to have taken center stage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, everypony! Just watch the Dark Knight Rises with my friends last night.

Now, I gotta say, I was definitely not in the right environment since my friends just couldn't sit still nor stop talking. I'll be seeing it again next weekend with my brothers, who are a lot quieter, thankfully.


This movie was a perfect cap to the whole package that is the Batman story. Brilliantly told, and there are many references and messages that can be understood in the story itself that fits our world today, what with everything happening almost everywhere, with corruption and deception used not only by the powerful, but by society itself. And Bane exploited that, of course, while Batman----well, you watch the movie. :P

Now, I don't class that I've fully watched the film (because of my friends' talkativeness), but I still felt like the Dark Knight had some better elements concerning directing and timing.

BUT....that doesn't mean this movie didn't KICK BUTT in almost everything! The music, the action, the characters, and the all out symbolic plot of good versus evil!

My favorite scene would definitely be when Bane literally 'broke Batman's back'! :lol:

What's everyone else's favorite scene?

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I'm surprised there was so little talk about this. I really enjoyed the movie, though I would have enjoyed it more if I had seen Batman Begins first. I did see The Dark Knight, though. I watched Batman Begins -after- seeing this movie, because I had some gaps.

Bane's speech was atrocious. I couldn't hear what he was saying half the time. They should have cleaned it up more to make it audible.

For a long time, I wasn't even excited to see the movie since the trailers all seemed very boring. Once I saw it though, I understood why...

If they had told us ANYTHING about Talia, it would have ruined it. That surprise was the best part of the entire movie. Very very very well done.

I have to say though, I was disappointed in the ending. Batman flying the bomb out over the water = been done a million times before. And it wasn't 6 miles away, but I digress.

Overall though, I really liked it. I wish there would be another one, when they definitely left a plot open to do so.

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So in conclusion of the Dark Knight series...

I. Freaking. LOVED. It.


So, from the beginning, I found that DKR (Dark Knight Rises) was going to be a good version of an M. Night Shamalyan (sp?) movie. The opening scene was a surprise as it almost seemed like I was watching a live-action Call of Duty cutscene. But, the moment I heard Bane's voice, I shuddered; I consider his performance in this movie creepier than Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in 'the Dark Knight'.

*hears boos* Sorry, but that's my opinion. I seriously got chills as his dark, beady eyes would stare into my soul as he delivered his lines. I was confused though as I had NOT spotted a Poison Ivy at all in the movie. Thus, drew me to the conclusion (as my friend sat next to me who had seen it before me) that Miranda Tate was Poison Ivy. Upon asking my friend this, he replied with a simple 'no'. So, I went on, confused.

As the movie progressed, I was a little skeptical on how Anne Hathaway would do at playing the sexy, sleek, and sarcastic Catwoman. To be honest, I was quite surprise! IN A GOOD WAY! Hathaway's role as Selina Kyle was perfectly played. So great and just...surprising! I liked how it was an 8 year gap between 'The Dark Knight' and 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Though, what happened to Joker? Understanding that Ledger's death could've been and was most likely the main cause of the disappearance of the Joker, but it was NEVER really explained in the movie itself; not even for a minute! I was a little disappointed in that, but still sat through the flick.

Long story short, as things progressed SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILER, I wondered WHY THE HECK I hadn't seen Poison Ivy! We finally see an apparition of Raa's Al Ghoul, we get a 'hint' that Officer Blake would become Robin, and then we figure out some backstory behind Bane's existence...BUT!

Was Bane not a creation of Poison Ivy?

That's why I continued to look for it. Then of course, as I guessed earlier in the film, Miranda Tate turns out to be Talia Al Ghoul. Oh. My. GOD. That was the BEST way to reveal her in this movie. I was really surprised she was even IN this movie! Either way, the revelation of Talia Al Ghoul in this movie just made me so happy. I literally left the theater in joy!

All in all, 'the Dark Knight Rises' is a MUST-SEE movie! It's action-packed, creepy, clever, sometimes funny, and the most accurate Batman movie to date (besides the Dark Knight). Besides the fact of how Bane exists, this movie was spot on and fantastic! GO SEE IT!!!

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Was Bane not a creation of Poison Ivy?

Nope. Pretty sure the only place the two were ever connected was in that atrocious Batman & Robin film from 1997. His comic origins definitely have nothing to do with her.

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Nope. Pretty sure the only place the two were ever connected was in that atrocious Batman & Robin film from 1997. His comic origins definitely have nothing to do with her.

True. Maybe that's where I got the assumption. No wonder I was so confused. Haha. And I agree with you saying that...Schumaker...atrocity was...an atrocity! :P

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As the movie progressed, I was a little skeptical on how Anne Hathaway would do at playing the sexy, sleek, and sarcastic Catwoman. To be honest, I was quite surprise! IN A GOOD WAY! Hathaway's role as Selina Kyle was perfectly played. So great and just...surprising! I liked how it was an 8 year gap between 'The Dark Knight' and 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Though, what happened to Joker? Understanding that Ledger's death could've been and was most likely the main cause of the disappearance of the Joker, but it was NEVER really explained in the movie itself; not even for a minute! I was a little disappointed in that, but still sat through the flick.


I think that if Heath Ledger had been around, they would have put his role in instead of Scarecrow's. The sentencing scenes with the Joker as the judge would have been a lot more appropriate, I feel.

Still, I agree with many of your points. This movie kicked so much flank.

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