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If I'm a Brony, does that make me a Furry?


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Well for the most part, being a Brony is comparable to being a fan of Star Trek, whatever they're called, while being a furry is feeling a strong appreciation towards anthropomorphic characters, something along those lines. I've honestly been a furry for years and I still don't have a full definition on who we are. Now I can also argue that since these ponies have a lot of human traits then sure, bronies do have some degree of furry in them, which brings me to ask what's wrong with being a furry?

Not all furries are so called weird, socially awkward perverts that constantly dress up in fur suits and draw pornography, as a matter of fact the cos-play are found in the minority margin of furries, I'm not even remotely interested in those suits. It's just furries get so much flak because the most extreme aspect of furs got media attention once creating the false image known today. So I wouldn't worry about being some furry in the first place. If it's the perverted, weird label you're afraid of thinking about, then don't worry because not every furry is that way, you don't have to be either. And if you're still worried, then Bronies is just a fan label so there's nothing to worry about at all. ^^

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As a fursuiter, I resent that remark. Cosplaying does not mean you are automatically a sexual deviant. I think I made a rather impasioned post on this earlier. I agree that the more extreme aspects of furry fandom were the ones that were played up by the media, but fursuiters, rather than being the sick monsters you claim, got splattered with more unwarranted crap than anyone. We're not the offenders, we're the worst offended against.

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Well I haven't read the other replies, but I'll just share what I think.

I'm not sure myself, but I'm a furry even way before I engaged in the MLP fandom. In fact, some bronies around me told me way before I was in the fandom "you're a furry right? You shouldn't find it hard to engage in this" but I still refused. I think MLP fandom is a separate charm on its own. Of course there are similiarities with the general furry fandom, but one of them can't be the subset of the other. At least from my experience.

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I know I'm kinda weighing in a little late on this, but here goes. Being a brony makes you a furry in the same way that hugging a male family member makes you gay. It doesn't happen. Are there furries that like MLP? Yes, I happen to be one. Can you like MLP without being a furry? Sure, there's plenty of people out there like that.

MLP is a cultural phenominon. No doubt about that. Furry is its own culture. There are actually mutually exclusive unless you happen to run in both circles.

Not gonna lie, I likes me an anthropomorphic lady as much as the next guy, but I don't count MLP as part of that. Its just something I enjoy.

Hope this helps!

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What is the most accepted definition of "furry"? Someone drawing anthro animals? Then Chuck Jones, Walt Disney, the animators of... Animaniacs, tiny toons, and quite much all that should qualify as furries...

I grew some affection to Sonic the Hedgehog since 1991, and drew the characters, with more good intention than anything else like talent and that... That makes me a furry?

I'l object, browsed DA and Furaffinity, in both places I found cool Sonic character drawings, but in Furaffinity in particular, I found a good share of art of random characters (mainly foxes) I was quite indiferent, and a lot of 'art' between obscene and just wrong I felt no attraction at all.

I am not a furry. However, upon learning about the furry fandom, i was curious and thought it was interesting. I definately enjoy and appreciate some of the amazing fursuits that have been made.

Or a 'furry' rather is someone cosplaying anthro characters? Like the guys dressing as Mickey Mouse in Disneyworld? Well, a Mickey Mouse or the like costume, if well done, should be cool, or nice. But the costumes actually seen per usual, are just an out of proportion mish-mash slapped together for some reason... Like self inducing a heat-stroke to scam the Medical Insurance... I don't get it...

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Or a 'furry' rather is someone cosplaying anthro characters? Like the guys dressing as Mickey Mouse in Disneyworld? Well, a Mickey Mouse or the like costume, if well done, should be cool, or nice. But the costumes actually seen per usual, are just an out of proportion mish-mash slapped together for some reason... Like self inducing a heat-stroke to scam the Medical Insurance... I don't get it...

You obviously haven't seen some of the really cool well-made fursuits -- but that is beside the point. Cosplaying furry doesn't make you a furry, just like watching FiM doesn't make you a brony. Only you can decide which banner is right for you, or if you want to wave one at all.

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What is the most accepted definition of "furry"?

The most all-encompassing definition is "a love of anthropomorphic animals" Though it does narrow down depending on the group you ask.

If anyone here is honestly, genuinely interested, this is the best explanation I've found:


Really, really, really great furry forum. One of the kindest and most open I've found, a shining example of what the fandom could be. (Keep in mind that does NOT mean it's "G" rated, but the *really* mature stuff is in "adult" forums)

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This is obviously incorrect, as I am actually a furry that actually loves non-anthros. Many other furries are, too.

"Anthros" =/= "Anthropomorphic animals"

Anthropomorphism is the attributing of human characteristics to non-human things, this includes speech and intelligence. Yes, the Disney films about animals from Bambi to Bolt have all been anthropomorphic. Just not as extreme as what most furs term "Anthros"

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You know the last episode was an infinite time loop? This thread is like an infinite debate loop.

It's all the TL;DR posters. They ask the same questions over and over, and new TL;DR posters (or furs like me) keep repeatedly answering them over and over and over.

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It's all the TL;DR posters. They ask the same questions over and over, and new TL;DR posters (or furs like me) keep repeatedly answering them over and over and over.

Is Rose's post the first one remarking on the looping nature? I feel like we had one of those already too.

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No. Being a furry means love anthropomorphic animals. The characters in FiM aren't even anthro. They can just talk.


   [an-thruh-puh-mawr-fik] Show IPA



ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human

Speach and thought are human atributes. Anthropomorphic means they have "human characteristics" If you look about 3 posts up you'll see that I covered this just hours ago. The furry community has distorted the word "Anthro" into meaning "bipodal-humanoid-animal" but the root Anthropomorphic, as shown in any dictionary, states that ANY human traits count. As I said Bambi, Bolt, and The Lion King (and yes, FiM) as just as much Anthropomorphic as Thundercats.

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The FiM characters are clearly anthropomorphic, but that doesn't make the show or the fandom "furry", it is its own culture and fandom.

There is just some crossover between the fandoms, that's all; no fandom lives in a bubble.

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