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Am I losing my touch?!


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I think time is having an effect on my Bronyism! I mean, I wasn't so psyched for the latest episode - in fact I'd forgotten all about it! I still have to steal the episodes. On top of that I'm getting just a tad sick of the "everypony" word-play thing! I must be losing my touch!

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I'm a bit tired of the 'everypony' wordplay as well... along with all the puns... I wasnt super hyped about the new episode, but i was eager to watch it, and i still enjoyed it.

I still have my theory about "I like the community and the fans more than the show itself'...

I'm not sure how you should cure yourself of this... either A: Take a break from ponies and work with something else for a bit, then come back, or B: Start from the beginning again and see how much you enjoy it again

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In my opinion, I think it was the three week break from episodes that did it to you.

I had started feeling the same way, until last night, I remembered the new episode was today. (Still need to watch it :D)

The fanbase was over running the show during the three week period of no episodes, so it kind of felt like the show wasn't 'on" any more.

The immense amount of PMVs, fanfics, artwork ,and such that have been made since the last episode has really blown up, and I think it started to over run the show itself. This sounds "extreme", but it's not really.

Because they're getting back on the track of an episode a week, your love of the show should return. Especially if you get more episodes about your favorite mane6 pony.

Try to go as long as you can without even thinking about the show, or what is has spawned. Try to make it until the next new episode. That's pretty muc hwhat I did since last Saturday, and I feel my love for the show returning quickly!

Hope this helps!

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"Shun the non-believer!" "SSSSSHHHHHHHUUUUUUUNNNNNN!" -The friends of everyone's favorite unicorn

Or not. Seems pretty normal to me. I go through that for EVERY. SINGLE. HOBBY that I have ever undertaken. Usually my hobbies last a few years then I move on, but they are sometimes shorter than that.

Stay honest though. That is good. The advice to "give it a break" should possibly be amended with "replace it with something for a break". Find something else enjoyable. Do you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder? It is that time of the winter.

..."everypony" word-play...

It almost works in-universe.

It is ridiculous for us to be using it.

I'm a brony, not a pony.

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If you think this episode gap was "blerg," wait until Season 2 wraps up and we'll be waiting several months for Season 3 to start.

I think the word play with everypony is harmless. There's nothing ridiculous about it; it's an acknowledgment of the heavy puns FiM uses, and it is one more way for everypony to be passionate about it. Even "brony" is a portmanteau. What're they calling dubstep now? Dubtrot. It's funny. Haha.

You're not required to like it, but there are those us who think it's cute and do talk that way for fun. (I mean this in a sarcastic playful way, I know it's hard to come across like that in words on a forum.)

That said, sometimes you do need a break from the fandom to appreciate it, as with anything else.

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Bwa, jffff, erfff. STOP! You're making it worse!

I'd rather we used 'pony' for all. 'Brony', to me, just sounds silly. And, yes, I realize talking about ourselves as 'ponies' might sound silly, but it seems less silly than 'bronies'. That's my take on that.

And, yes, I noticed myself not running to youtube right away to see the new episode. I tend to get around to the episode the next day, or perhaps several days after the airing. I still really enjoy the show (I think season 2 is great so far), but I don't find myself as hyped up as I once was.

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Even "brony" is a portmanteau.

I have always found clever portmanteaus to be interesting. It is so catchy and simple that it rises above the lameness it might otherwise have.

"Everypony" is just weird. We don't say "everyman" except in literary analysis, or "everyhuman" ever. "everybody" would not be weird or out of place in the show because it is not species specific.

When a cartoon pony says it, it takes me right out of the show. It is not so natural that it flows.

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I have always found clever portmanteaus to be interesting. It is so catchy and simple that it rises above the lameness it might otherwise have.

"Everypony" is just weird. We don't say "everyman" except in literary analysis, or "everyhuman" ever. "everybody" would not be weird or out of place in the show because it is not species specific.

When a cartoon pony says it, it takes me right out of the show. It is not so natural that it flows.

In the show, both "everypony" and "somebody / everybody" are both used, quite often. Especially by Twilight. "Everypony" is harmless wordplay, that's all. If you don't like it, don't use it, and it IS only two different letters.

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In the show, both "everypony" and "somebody / everybody" are both used, quite often.

Ok. Wow.

I never noticed that they used "everybody". I wonder if that was habit and they just missed it, or on purpose.

Wait a second...


Communication is important. The individual words are not. If the words are distracting from the message you are doing it wrong!

Full Disclosure: I was thiiiiiiiiisssssssss close (if you could see me you would know my thumb and forefinger are almost touching) to putting a pony pun into my intro thread.

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I used o take a time out of many things, the problem, I sell all the stuff I got of a in hiatus hobby, so when I kickstart it again, I need to buy it again... On 10 years I bought Sonic the hedgehog for SEGA Genesis 3 times! The other option is hoarding, do Diogenes Syndrome means something in English?

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Totally the same story here, man. I'm pretty sure that now we're back to one episode a week we'll be golden though ;)

In my opinion, I think it was the three week break from episodes that did it to you.

I had started feeling the same way, until last night, I remembered the new episode was today. (Still need to watch it :D)

The fanbase was over running the show during the three week period of no episodes, so it kind of felt like the show wasn't 'on" any more.

Being a brony born of Season Two, I can't imagine how the older fans among us survived the great drought between seasons... I don't know... if I'll be able to do it... when the dreaded No Pony season comes around again :scream:

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I used o take a time out of many things, the problem, I sell all the stuff I got of a in hiatus hobby, so when I kickstart it again, I need to buy it again... On 10 years I bought Sonic the hedgehog for SEGA Genesis 3 times! The other option is hoarding, do Diogenes Syndrome means something in English?

I sold all but 4 of my go book library when I quit. I donated the money to compassion international. Firstly I knew that I would not read them again. Secondly, I do not at this time have shelf space for them. Finally, I donated the money to charity. How much regret could there possibly be? I should have sold them all. I also put out a message to the local go clubs that I had equipment to unload, and a club president came to my door to pick it up. There was about 50 pounds of it that I am glad would be put to good use.

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hi hi

Having a little moderation in life isn't a bad thing. Its easy to go overboard and then burn out on something. Or with a big break, find something else that sparks your interest. But I figure that if you can enjoy something without bingeing on it, you won't have to worry about diet and exercise later. :)

((Also: shifting gears, mentally speaking, is something I had to learn how to do as a professional. Its one thing to work on something you're interested in, but its another thing to work on several very different things, one right after the other.))

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I just wanted to put forth this idea a few friends and I came up with.

"Everybody" vs "Everypony" - the form "Everypony" is the PC (politically correct) term, but a lot of people arent very PC or just dont care and say "Everybody" Just like even today we still hear/say "Blacks" instead of "African Americans" quite often in the USA, even in places where technically we should be more PC.

As for the original topic...

I can understand, I came into the fandom as an obcession (as I do with every fandom) and it's slowly wearing off. I'm not spending all my time thinking about ponies now, I'm starting to want to listen to non-brony music, and I'm not spending every minute of free time reading Fanfics.


I am still looking forward to the latest episode (hvant seen it yet, I wont have a 'block' of time untill late tonight), I'm still writing on ym fanfics and reading on one or two (and I certainly havn't deleted me "to read" list), and I'm still eagerly awaiting and plan to wear my Pony Tshirts and messenger bag. (Not to mention I'm wanting to do some Pony RP on here if I can ever figure out what kind of character I have to make to get accepted >.<)

In short, I came in at a peak and now I'm leveling out. I'll still go up and down, excited and obcessive one day and barely still a fan the next. I do fear this summer what will happen.

On the other paw, I was also simiarly deep in the old Sonic Fandom, and I continued to love the fan-works long after the SatAM series ended (and I had no access to comics, all I had was the 'net and fan material) I kept that going for over a decade before the fandom finally got to the point I completely lost interest (canon plot changed too radically for my taste and all the fans followed suit) I can easily see the same thing happening with the FiM fandom. (And lets not forget how many fans there still are of the original StarTrek, despite the series having ended decades ago it's still a focalpoint of geek culture)

Even if Hasbro decided to do something foolish, such as cancel S3 and create a G5 series that returned to the 'mindless commercial' mindset, I think the bronies would simply declare 'Death of the Author' and continue to crank out material based on FiM for quite some time. (and I dont *think* hasbro is that stupid, they know they have a great potential of $$$ here if they can find the right balance...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Honestly, I missed the last three or four episodes, and I have not had the will nor desire to go back and watch them as of yet. I am not really sure why this is, other than I have simply been doing other things with my free time. I am certaintly still a fan of My Little Pony, however I believe I am no longer..."obsessed" with it, if you will.

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Chancler Puddinghead is absolutely right! You don't have to dedicate yourself wholly to a fandom. I'm a major brony now, but years ago, I was a pokemon fan and before that, POWER RANGERS! and I'm sure the list slips further back than even that. However, I did not totally lose my enjoyment of these shows, it just deminished to a more casual level. Let your interests evolve naturally!

as for The First Everlasting Church of Celestia... You may well have your first convert Puddinghead... Hail to the God Princess of Ponies...

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