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would you say there's some kind of............


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strange obsession in the brony community that intertwines everything tragic with the likes of rainbow dash? i ask this because ive been reading alot of fanfics lately and a trend ive been picking up is rainbow dash portrayed as A) a suicidal head-case B) a homicidal maniac or C) someone who's at the receiving end of many gruesome tortures, deaths or injuries. kind of a heavy question since this being my first topc and all, but its just been bothering me, what with RD being my favorite pony and all. thoughts??

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I have to agree, I just last night was browsing the music archives on ED and found *another* song about Dash meeting a bad fate (or atleast something very bad happening to her, she didnt *die* in it, but...) Not to mention all the fanfics I could name...

I think Tales is right, most of the time it's just because Dashie is so loved (and hated) that people want to center their work on her.

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I don't really know - I avoid anything with 'sad' as a tag or anything grimdark, but from the few things I have picked up, all of the ponies seem to get a little of that kind of thing. I don't know why they pick on Rainbow, if they do.

Personally I wish I could sap all the negative stuff like that out of the community. I know it's an extreme thing to say, but I really don't see how it benefits anypony :eek:

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Personally I wish I could sap all the negative stuff like that out of the community. I know it's an extreme thing to say, but I really don't see how it benefits anypony :eek:

i wouldnt exactly go that far, one of the many joys i get from being a brony is the exposure to all the talented writers, musicians, video editers etc. i actually like some of the grimdark fanfics, portraying such a light-hearted show as a gritty and seedy tale of tragedy is a talent within itslef. i would even go so far as saying rainbow factory is my favorite fanfic at the moment, everything about it was just so on point. the writing, character development in such a short period of time, the plot, the climax, everything. I never thought that portraying RD as a bloodthirsty, conglomerate monster couldve been pulled off (nor did i think such a portrayal in character would ever surface lol).

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Interesting topic. Here's my two bits:

RD is sort of Hub's unofficial spokesmare, besides Pinkie Pie. If you look at all the Hub commercials, a lot of them are voiced by Ashleigh (RD's VA). I like to believe RD is popular (she is one of my favorites), but I have no real data to prove this -- I think all of the Mane Six have their own fan groups and people that don't care for them as much, as with anything. So, what does this have to do with anything? It subconsciously puts Rainbow into the viewer's mind. She is a pony with high aspirations and a strong personality, so I think it would be only natural for people to take a stronger artistic interest in her -- for good or bad.

All those slashfics or whatnot that feature RD as a victim are designed to offend...if you choose to take it that way. To give an example, I actually liked reading Cupcakes. I didn't like what happened to RD, but it took her character and put it into a really terrible situation. It gave surprising depth to her, and actually made me like her more. So you could say that some of the people that write or design content with RD getting hurt or acting OOC probably like her quite a bit, and they're just exploring more of her character by putting her into a horrid situation; they're literally loving her to death!

I know that might sound strange, but it is what it is: an exploration of the character brought to a different, and surprisingly deep level.

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Interesting topic. Here's my two bits:

RD is sort of Hub's unofficial spokesmare, besides Pinkie Pie. If you look at all the Hub commercials, a lot of them are voiced by Ashleigh (RD's VA). I like to believe RD is popular (she is one of my favorites), but I have no real data to prove this -- I think all of the Mane Six have their own fan groups and people that don't care for them as much, as with anything. So, what does this have to do with anything? It subconsciously puts Rainbow into the viewer's mind. She is a pony with high aspirations and a strong personality, so I think it would be only natural for people to take a stronger artistic interest in her -- for good or bad.

All those slashfics or whatnot that feature RD as a victim are designed to offend...if you choose to take it that way. To give an example, I actually liked reading Cupcakes. I didn't like what happened to RD, but it took her character and put it into a really terrible situation. It gave surprising depth to her, and actually made me like her more. So you could say that some of the people that write or design content with RD getting hurt or acting OOC probably like her quite a bit, and they're just exploring more of her character by putting her into a horrid situation; they're literally loving her to death!

I know that might sound strange, but it is what it is: an exploration of the character brought to a different, and surprisingly deep level.

good points, i agree 100%. ironically enough some of my favorite fanfics are the one's involving the subject matter. i was just curios why RD? i mean take rarity for instance, a fashion driven, gaudy, materialistic and self absorbed pony. You can easily envision here in a "buffalo bill" type scenario if you catch my meaning lol. or heck even twilight, with her vast intelligence and almost unquenchable thirst for knowledge she can be one of the most cunning and diabolical villians since jigsaw :!:

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Interesting topic. Here's my two bits:

RD is sort of Hub's unofficial spokesmare, besides Pinkie Pie. If you look at all the Hub commercials, a lot of them are voiced by Ashleigh (RD's VA). I like to believe RD is popular (she is one of my favorites), but I have no real data to prove this -- I think all of the Mane Six have their own fan groups and people that don't care for them as much, as with anything. So, what does this have to do with anything? It subconsciously puts Rainbow into the viewer's mind. She is a pony with high aspirations and a strong personality, so I think it would be only natural for people to take a stronger artistic interest in her -- for good or bad.

All those slashfics or whatnot that feature RD as a victim are designed to offend...if you choose to take it that way. To give an example, I actually liked reading Cupcakes. I didn't like what happened to RD, but it took her character and put it into a really terrible situation. It gave surprising depth to her, and actually made me like her more. So you could say that some of the people that write or design content with RD getting hurt or acting OOC probably like her quite a bit, and they're just exploring more of her character by putting her into a horrid situation; they're literally loving her to death!

I know that might sound strange, but it is what it is: an exploration of the character brought to a different, and surprisingly deep level.

Agree with this 100% more or less, reading "My Little Dashie" really made me appreciate the character a lot more along with some of the other RD gorefics.

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I remember back in my brony infancy, it was interesting and somewhat entertaining with all of the RD fanboy-ness stuff. Today, it doesn't really appeal to me. I'm much more interested now in the creative values made by fans of the show rather than a popular meme based on one line of an episode of FiM.

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