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Book Keeper [Final]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Book Keeper

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Cherry colored

Coat Color: A light, almost gray-purple

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: A washed-out olive hue. Her mane is kept in a bun, out of her eyes, while her tail is a rat's nest. The only grooming she ever gives it is to cut it short enough to not drag on the ground, and to keep it clean enough so rats don't actually start living in it.

Physique: Rather round, not usually getting any more exercise than the walk to and from her book store

Cutie Mark: A pile of three books, one on top of another. The books are, from top down, red, brown and blue

Origin/Residence: Canterlot

Occupation: Book store owner

Motivation: It was to learn something new, now it's to find a cure for the stupid backwards spell!

Likes: Books, reading, learning something new, knowledge in all shapes and forms.

Dislikes: Ignorance, loud ponies, books in poor condition, only being able to speak backwards.

Character Summary: If nothing else, Book Keeper loves books. Ever since she was a filly, Keeper has been reading books whenever she gets the chance. She gets so absorbed when she’s reading, that when her cutie mark appeared, she didn’t even notice until after she finished reading. It was only natural that, being the bookworm that she is, that she would get her own book store. Book never really talked to others, preferring to stay inside and read, and as such never really developed any social skills. It's not that she doesn't like others, she just isn't a big socializer and as such only talks when first spoken to. Beyond reading, she has entertained the idea of writing her own stories, and has started a few, but she enjoys reading too much and largely forgets about her stories.

Recently, she received an order for a book in a foreign language. Intrigued, she began to order more books in other languages. How interesting it would be to read these stories in the authors’ native language! To help her in learning these new languages, Keeper tried to use a spell to help her learn languages faster. What she wasn’t expecting was that she would mess up the spell. It helped her learn a new language, absolutely. The language of only being able to talk backwards. Needless to say, she is less than amused by the turn of events. Keeper was never really big on talking, but now even less so, since when she does try to talk all she gets are strange looks and the occasional “Huh? What did you say?” In the event that she must talk to another, she keeps a notebook and a pen handy at all times to write messages. She goes on running her book store, silently searching for an “Undo Spell” spell.

She keeps a few pre-written pages that come up commonly in conversation so she doesn't have to keep writing them out. A "/" represents the opposite side of the same page


Maybe/I don't know


Hello/Good Bye

Thank you/You're welcome

Sorry/Excuse me

Welcome! How can I help you?/Thank you! Come again!

I can't talk right now/I can only talk backwards

I really don’t know how to work this in to the app, so I’ll just say it here: When she talks, her sentences are backwards, but multiple sentences are still in the correct order. So if she were to say “Hi! How are you?” it would come out “Ih! Uoy era woh?”

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This is quite the interesting app you have here! Just a few questions come to mind as I read this app;

One was how does she speak when the situation calls for it? Since not a lot of ponies can understand backwards does she have some sort of way to communicate?

Does she have any other hobbies? Or what goals for herself once she finds the 'Undo Spell'?

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How is this Application coming along?


This is quite the interesting app you have here! Just a few questions come to mind as I read this app;

One was how does she speak when the situation calls for it? Since not a lot of ponies can understand backwards does she have some sort of way to communicate?

Does she have any other hobbies? Or what goals for herself once she finds the 'Undo Spell'?



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Well, that seems to be a creative method of dealing with her magically induced handicap - and it definitely is a lot more creative than simply rendering a pony mute.

My primary worry with the application itself is would this become something the player will get tired of RP'ing after a while?' - since a lot of RP Interaction will be 'spoken' with/to other ponies, is this something that you can see yourself wanting to RP for an extended period of time, or will the novelty of it drop off after a while?

Just something to consider there - the last thing you wanna do is write all this down, have it accepted, and then realise it's just getting in the way of your enjoyment overall.

I suppose if anything else, I'd like to know a little more about how she comes across to the world as a pony, and perhaps how she views the world.

IE: Is she naturally a reclusive pony or does she enjoy company when they come over? What general personality might she have herself as a pony?

Is she blunt, straight-'talking' and honest...or is she a little sarcastic and witty when conversation comes up?

Right now I can't see a lot that'd keep it back, but I do feel that perhaps a little more about her personality and such could only help to strengthen it!

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I get where you're coming from Robikku, and I've taken it into consideration.

For her personality: I'll figure out how to put it in the app nicely later, but basically when I imagine Book I imagine a sort of a recluse, she doesn't really talk to anyone unless they talk to her first, mostly keeping to herself. It's not that she hates everyone, it's just that she never really developed any social skills since she reads basically all the time. Plus there's the entire "can only talk backwards" thing recently, so...

As for whether I would want to keep her for the long run: Yes. I might change her eventually by having something happen to fix her backwards talking, like her finding an undo spell or seeing someone about a cure, but I don't plan on doing that for a long time.

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I think it might be a little easier for you if you simply had her talk backwards without having to reverse all the letters, that way even someone who actually was paying attention would be able to make out what she's trying to say without making it such a chore to read. Not to mention, it'd be likely to be extremely unlikely she could even /pronounce/ some of the words that would be present.

So perhaps instead of 'Hi! How are you?' she just simply goes 'You are how? Hi!" Which could even make for some interesting situations when what she says is actually the wrong thing to say and ends up making things worse instead of better. Just as a suggestion. I'm not going to nix the spelling thing, but it seems to me to be more work vs less payoff than otherwise.


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