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Strange New Tech... (220)


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Copied and pasted from the 220 thread since it got burried:

Strange new Electronic devices!



This one clearly has some form of Screen, meaning there is Visual Display Technology


This one baffled me, if you look closely at the side (I dont have the 1080P, if anyone has a higher-res image it's appreciated) you see what looks suspiciously like a pair of electrical outlets! Portable Magic->Electricity converter? Clean-Energy Electricity Generator?


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A society without any poverty, disease or enemies to speak of probably looses a lot of it's impetus to create new tech. It may still exist, but it would be the realm of those who have fun with them rather than those that need them. It doesn't bug me that there are some cool devices that don't have much widespread effect.

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Im thinking its just gag props for twilight, to highlight her nerdiness.

Asurably, but also they are revealing a TL - Even in the image rose posted, if you look at the device Pinky's leaning on, you see another tiny screen! (And this all correlates with the "video games" shown in Hearts and Hooves Day.

Again, we're back, imo, to "magic and tech co-exist at levels similar to today" (with branching tech trees, obviously, since ponies have no need or want for Cars or such) I'm of the opinion still that magic is cheeper and often more aesthetically pleasing (as somone said back about RiaW, would you rather look at a (human) lamp, or a firefly lamp? the firefly lamp is much more aesthetic)

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