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After ten thousand years I'm free!


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It's time to conquer Equestria!

Nostalgic Power Rangers references aside though, good afternoon! Pleased meet you! I'm the new member, Breezy! I'm an uninvited guest, but please, welcome me!

I'm afraid there's not really much to say about myself. I'm what you might call a peregrine mendicant, a wayward vagabond perusing the vast and daunting library of useless yet entertaining information that is the internet.

I can't even remember how I came to be here to be perfectly honest, I suppose I just went as the wind blew until I inevitably washed up on the shores of your humble yet respectable kingdom! Ain't that just somethin'?

Sadly, I'm not very interesting at all. On the contrary, I'm an extremely dull person who you should definitely avoid like the plague, or the ultimate chimera, unless you want to be bored out of your mind and suffer boreditis!

I'm a bit mad too, but aren't we all mad here? What good is sanity anyway? If we were all sane wouldn't everything just be sooooo boring? You bet your bottom bit it would.

Excuse my extremely bad habit of unneccessarily inserting an unsightly number of uncouth and otherwise obscure references by the way, it's just terrible of me, I know.

Well I said there wasn't much to say, but I ended up saying quite a bit anyway, didn't I? Ain't that always the way? Ah well, now you know everything important about little old me, or maybe you don't, but I guess that's all a matter of personal perspective.


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Okay, cheers on the introduction there. Nicely done. :) And welcome, welcome welcome! We are, most of us, also univited guests, but Mr Baggins the good people here are very welcoming. Looking forward to seeing you in the chat and maybe the forums--possibly with a pegasus character Parhelion can get up to adventures with!

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Welcome! :)


Thank you, that comic strip was brilliant. I almost shed a tear over the sheer amount of perfection.

Okay, cheers on the introduction there. Nicely done. :) And welcome, welcome welcome! We are, most of us, also univited guests, but Mr Baggins the good people here are very welcoming. Looking forward to seeing you in the chat and maybe the forums--possibly with a pegasus character Parhelion can get up to adventures with!

Thank you kind sir, I strive to deliver satisfaction! I will most certainly try my hand at such sport once my pending becomes impendingly unpending!

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Welcome to the forums! Be careful, or this board will consume all your free time, which isn't such a bad thing considering I have posted over 1000 times in the short time I've been here.

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I enjoy your diction, I think you and I would get along very well. As such, after ten thousand years you are not free. After ten thousand years, you are mine. Prepare for another 10 millenia.

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grand welcome to Canterlot, enjoy the good times coming ahead :)

Thank you, thank you! I will make a most valiant effort to enjoy both the good times and a head, though I can't help but wonder if you mean a head of lettuce or a head of cabbage...regardless! I shall prepare a most exemplary salad and enjoy it just for such an occasion.

Welcome to the forums! Be careful, or this board will consume all your free time, which isn't such a bad thing considering I have posted over 1000 times in the short time I've been here.

Thank you most kindly for your words of welcome! Rest assured that I can think of no better monstrosity, board, plank or otherwise, to feast upon and in so doing devour the free time I would otherwise reserve for doing nothing exceptional whatsoever on an almost daily and most commonly weekly basis.

I enjoy your diction, I think you and I would get along very well. As such, after ten thousand years you are not free. After ten thousand years, you are mine. Prepare for another 10 millenia.

Madame, both your praise and your eloquent threats against my free domain after a decade of millenia are most welcome. If but in your company, I would most gladly resign myself to be held in bondage for another ten thousand sunrises.

Welcome to Canterlot! :D And yes, I think we're all a bit mad, and that definitely is a good thing. I think it'd be boring if nobody had any level of insanity whatsoever.

Your welcome is as appreciated as a bag of taters would be to Samwise Gamgee after a trip to Mordor, which is to say, a great deal. I certainly do agree with your musings on madness as well, boredom is a most dastardly of diseases after all.

Furthermore, I do hope that you will excuse my tasteless and shameless wordplay in saying that it is my sincerest hope that we can all get along in armony, armony, oh love!

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Well hey there! Eheheh, you think you're nuts? If you want crazy, you should see me and my friends. Like that one time at band camp where... No, wait, not exactly G-Rated content. Closer to PG-13. Oh, or this one time on the way to Halifax when... No, wait, even less appropriate. But we're all crazy, I assure you. Welcome, enjoy your stay and have some Bleep-products for any badfic you might find on the Pit!

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Hearty welcome to forums. Your presence will be surely noticed soon, and adequate ponies shall be informed of thy proceedings.

Enjoy every tiny moment of your precious time spent on these forums.

I enjoy your diction, I think you and I would get along very well. As such, after ten thousand years you are not free. After ten thousand years, you are mine. Prepare for another 10 millenia.

Aria, are my eyes fooling me? Or is my vision blurred? You've decided to take a step towards the innocent ones?

My sincere apologies, but I find it unacceptable. I shall not stand aside and watch how free will is being crushed under your golden hooves.

However, I'm not going to interfere in this particular case, as the subject is willingly forcing him/herself into submission.

@Breezy: Beware, my friend, as your presence has been noticed already. You might find Aria quite addictive over time, as her personality will slowly influence your mind. Be wary of my words and consider yourself... warned.

*Bows down shallowly and backs off* Miss Aria, Breezy. I wish a jelly good day to you. *Points sight at Breezy* I am sure we'll meet again. Welcome to Canterlot, enjoy your stay.

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Hearty welcome to forums. Your presence will be surely noticed soon, and adequate ponies shall be informed of thy proceedings.

Enjoy every tiny moment of your precious time spent on these forums.

Aria, are my eyes fooling me? Or is my vision blurred? You've decided to take a step towards the innocent ones?

My sincere apologies, but I find it unacceptable. I shall not stand aside and watch how free will is being crushed under your golden hooves.

However, I'm not going to interfere in this particular case, as the subject is willingly forcing him/herself into submission.

@Breezy: Beware, my friend, as your presence has been noticed already. You might find Aria quite addictive over time, as her personality will slowly influence your mind. Be wary of my words and consider yourself... warned.

*Bows down shallowly and backs off* Miss Aria, Breezy. I wish a jelly good day to you. *Points sight at Breezy* I am sure we'll meet again. Welcome to Canterlot, enjoy your stay.

Very clever indeed, Volt. Don't think I missed that in all your text <3 But as we've established, he's already pledged himself. Not for ten thousand years, only twenty-seven years with some odd one-hundred forty-six days. He'll learn, though. He'll learn.

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Hearty welcome to forums. Your presence will be surely noticed soon, and adequate ponies shall be informed of thy proceedings.

Enjoy every tiny moment of your precious time spent on these forums.

@Breezy: Beware, my friend, as your presence has been noticed already. You might find Aria quite addictive over time, as her personality will slowly influence your mind. Be wary of my words and consider yourself... warned.

*Bows down shallowly and backs off* Miss Aria, Breezy. I wish a jelly good day to you. *Points sight at Breezy* I am sure we'll meet again. Welcome to Canterlot, enjoy your stay.

Your tidings of good fortune and linguisticly accurate predictions on my most timely ascent to esteem are both well noted. Rest assured, I wear the utmost gratitude on my proverbial sleeve, sir.

Your warnings against this most devious yet persuasive of enchantresses is also thoroughly noted and I may well keep it in mind lest my senses be befuddled by her wiles and charm.

One day, when the fates will it, may our destinies be again intertwined like industrial strength bubblegum in the hair of some hapless foal.

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