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Slick Slide [FINAL]

Han Valen

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Name:Slick Slide




Coat Color:Black stripes, but gray stripes as opposed to white; his mother actually has darker 'gray' stripes than him.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Completely shaved-bald mane; and a short black tail, straight haired

Eye Color:Amber; though he usually flaunts sunglasses most of the time; even at night

Tribal Symbol:Blue crescent moon


Origin/Residence: Manehattan, of the neighborhood Marelem

Occupation:Part-time Barkeep, and soloist musician for other places willing to pay for him.

Motivation:To play wonderful music to others and live his own life accordingly

Likes: His mother, Ifrica; singing the Blues and Soul music and playing it on his old Gibson ES-335; his Gibson ES-335; urban areas; bars; antiques (especially instruments)

Dislikes:Anything overly fancy; super expensive guitars; mood-killers; disturbers of the peace

Character Summary:Slick was born and raised in the mostly Zebra-inhabited Manehattan neighborhood, Marelem. Raised by his single mother, Ifrica, she and he would often go out on the streets and soak up the sub-culture of Equestrian-Zebras in the neighborhood. It was mostly musical venues the mother and son attended together, and more than occasionally Slick would watch his own mother perform at some of these places in her all-female Soul band, The Celestial Roots. Watching her and her friends inspired him into music, and he ended up receiving his mother's father's old guitar—a well-used Gibson ES-335—from the stallion himself. His grandfather only had to help him practice for a short time before Slick began learning Blues, Soul and Rock & Roll songs by ear. It didn't take long for him to feel the calling of music, and his mother performed the ancient zebra ritual to make his Tribal Mark appear. It was in the form of a blue crescent moon, a symbol he is still trying to decode to this day.

Slick grew into an outgoing young stallion; not afraid to voice his opinions and put unsavory people in their place. Years of working at a bar (off the record, being an underage older colt for the first years of his employment) gave him skill in basically being a bouncer; kicking out unruly patrons that ended up having a little much of drink or salt. At that gig, he became widely known of being a no-nonsense colt. And when he wasn't kicking out unruly zebras and ponies alike from the bar, he was participating in the open mike nights (much to his own pleasure and the pleasure of those having the privilege to listen to him). He played a long time as a solo stallion, and would always dedicate his opening song; the same song every time; to his mother and grandfather: a cover of “The First Time I Met The Blues.”

Some years later, he and some friends formed a full Blues band, Slick Slide & The Rockin' Fellows; complete with a bassist, drummer, keyboardist and horn section. As fun as it was, they were far from professional, and mostly found themselves at casual joints around the neighborhood; not the various large concert halls and theaters of Marelem where the bigger bands played. They were a short lived band, disbanding only two years after their formation. But to Slick it was one of the best experiences he had had yet. Though they were a casual band, as it were, he was still able to guage his overall skill in playing with a band; along with the honest critiques from his mother and grandfather. After it all wrapped up, he felt he would be quite successful in future bands, whether they be casual or in earnest.

As of today, he is a part-time bartender, and has become something of a local legend; subsequently being asked to play as a soloist or guest musician with other acts at some small-time joints. Since he attracts extra customers, these places are usually willing to give him a small percentage of the extra money he brings to the business.


Lookin' for some comments before I finalize it. Hopefully he'll be more fun to use than my last App.

Speaking of which, is it possible to delete those? I highly doubt I'll ever use my other App, Dusk Mist, again. He was essentially my 'expirmental probe' into the world of Apping and RPing.

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I enjoy this app, it creates some interesting and cool concepts along with the character including how the tribal mark appears for him, and the "Zebra quarter" of Manehattan.

The only change I would ask is to replace the number ages given we don't know how long zebras live or how many years it takes for them to mature. So instead of "sixteen", just use "older colt" and indeed of "nineteen", just use "cusp of stallionhood" or something similar.

Speaking of which, is it possible to delete those? I highly doubt I'll ever use my other App, Dusk Mist, again. He was essentially my 'expirmental probe' into the world of Apping and RPing.

If you want to provide a link, I can lock and cold store the application, if that is what you want.

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