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Just some musings about discord


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So today I was re-watching the Discord episodes and a thought struck me. In the very beginning of part one they mention Discord as a draconequus as if that were a species. So I started to wonder about what said species would be like. Would they all be composed of different animals or would they look identical to Discord? Would they have gone extinct or would they have been banished by Celestia as well? Or perhaps my favorite thought, would they embody different traits? For example, what if there was a draconequus that was a spirit of fear. He would certainly make for an interesting antagonist to the series. Perhaps if such a thing existed he could even play off the various fears of the ponies, such as Pinkie's fear of having no friends.

Anyhow, I've rambled on enough. Any thoughts?

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hm, interesting thought... hadn't really noticed the mention of him being part of a species... maybe there are only a few of them, and they all share limbs and bits from the same set of bodies... for example, no other draconequis can have the left arm of a lion because Discord already has it, but amongst the others they all have the other lions parts scattered amongst them...

but as for what the other's elements would be, like how discord has Chaos, i'm not sure... choas seems to me to be distorting what we know as the norm into something else, so what else would be something that changes how people feel about the world around them... fear maybe... but what else?

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I think Discord might just be unique. His mish-mash body is a reflection of chaos, and it would be out of place for any other element, even fear.

Chances are that he is the only draconequus(latin mishmash of dragon+horse) in the pony world. They may decide to bring in others, but I doubt it. The reasoning for naming him a draconequusis is probably just to have a label for it.

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don't forget canterlot's very own draconequus of madness and top hats :3

just kidding, personas don't count when discussing the show... >.>

but anyways...

I'm not sure :l I've thought about this before, but I could honestly go either way on it.


I typed up a few different things, but none of them seemed to be very strong at all. oh well, I mostly just wanted to say that first line :blush:

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Canon: I think he's one of a kind, possibly a species summoned from another world by accident, or he is supposed to just be chaos incarnate so he is a chimera

Fanon/Head-canon: There is a race of cimera like him, though not nessisarily with the same exact animal parts, created long ago, what few are left are skattered throught the world and may or may not be living peacefully with their neighbors (I think Discord specifically was chaos, while the other Draconaqqus are just chimera - not even sure if they have magic or not)

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I really like Starfox's idea that there are several of them made out of the same creatures, like there was some terrible accident involving a lion, a griffon, a pony and whathaveyou. But yeah, if that was the case they would all be as messed up as Discord, but if he's the only spirit of chaos... then I guess they'd all just be moping around all mishapen and deformed somewhere.

Now I feel bad for them! :wail:

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