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Confused on Spike+Rarity: What is your opinion?


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I've been watching the second season of MLP:FiM and there is just one thing I am confused on. It's the relationship of Spike and Rarity. Can anyone tell me if it was implied that they are together or that she understands his feelings now and is just being more friendlier to him or something like that? I don't know what to say other than I'm fine with the pairing but I want to know what you all think on that or if you could give me the straight forward facts I might have missed and misunderstood.

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Lol, we actually had a topic awhile ago along these same lines: Spike's Attraction to Rarity.

But no, they are not official a 'couple'. Spike is attracted to Rarity like a 15 year old might be to his 20-30 something teacher. It wouldn't work, not just because they're a different species, but because Spike is a baby and Rarity, is, well—a woman.

Of course Rarity knows that Spike has a crush on her, and she humors it. But I don't think she'd ever go for him... basically because of what I said above. Everypony sees him as a toddler... and you don't date toddlers.

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Yeah. Pretty much what Tales said. :)

It's not going to work. Rarity realizes what's up and might even find it kind of cute, but it's just not going to happen. They're just friends.

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Spike is definitely in the friend zone. Though through the episodes Rarity has developed feelings for Spike, more on the side of very, very good friends -- it sort of reminds me of a doting big sister looking after her little brother.

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Spike is definitely in the friend zone. Though through the episodes Rarity has developed feelings for Spike, more on the side of very, very good friends -- it sort of reminds me of a doting big sister looking after her little brother.

Oh age, the arrow-knee crippler of MLP Shipping XD hah. Though it WOULD be cute and heart warming for Rarity and Spike to get together as I think it would at least look legit. However looking into the actual age/general age factor it does seem like an impossibility. But who would want to ruin what the two have know? C'mon it's funny to see spike act as her pin cushion!

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