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Passing time with Ponies...?


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Alright guys, here's the scoop.

Each year, toward the end of April, me, and my younger brothers have mandatory state testing. I'm sure a lot of you have done it, so it's not uncommon. The thing is though, is that when I am taking my tests, I am exceptionally good in English. So, because of this, I usually finish about 45 minutes earlier than the other students. This is at a big office building, and we're in one of the rooms. We're not allowed to leave until everyone is done, to be fair. However, before we start, and after we're done, we're allowed to pull out "silent work." Silent work could be a book, any homework to do, or any way to occupy yourself with still keeping extremely quiet. Keep in mind, this room echoes a LOT, so you NEED to stay quiet. Now, onto my question;

Do you guys know of a way for me to pass time with ponies? I was thinking of printing out a fanfiction and reading it, but there's so many, I don't know what to choose! If possible, I'd want it to be around 30-45 minutes to read the whole thing. I'd rather not begin a 23 chapter one, and only get 2 chapters done, and be left hanging. So in a nutshell, how can I pass 30-45 minutes with ponies? And if a fanfiction, what is THE BEST fanfiction that is a "one-shot story"? I've already read My Little Dashie, and My Little Blackbird, but that's it.

Thanks guys! (

(I didn't put this in Writing discussion, because this spans over a variety of options.)

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Are you allowed to use electronics? If you have an ipod or something you can put episodes on that and watch'um with headphones. I'm assuming not, sooo...

I hear Past Sins is pretty good and long enough to keep you occupied. I haven't read it personally but it's a well-known fic.

Oooor you can do papercraft ponies! Some thick printable paper, super glue, and scissors is all you need!

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Are you allowed to use electronics? If you have an ipod or something you can put episodes on that and watch'um with headphones. I'm assuming not, sooo...

I hear Past Sins is pretty good and long enough to keep you occupied. I haven't read it personally but it's a well-known fic.

Oooor you can do papercraft ponies! Some thick printable paper, super glue, and scissors is all you need!

The papercrafts aren't going to happen. There's quite a few factors, but mainly, I'm not allowed to use glue in the room. I hadn't attempted this before, but someone else tried it, and they had to put it away

My mom has an iPad though, so maybe I'll watch some episodes on it. (Maybe download the season finale part 1 and watch it, since it will be out by the time I need to take my tests)

Not a bad idea at all... Heck, maybe I'll meet fellow bronies while I'm there!

Any other ideas, guys 'n' gals?

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Well, if an iPad is okay i'm sure you could read some fanfics on it...get on FIMFiction.net and just start browsing... if the place doesnt have wifi you could always put them onto the ipad before hand and then read them...

I have a couple of fanfics that seems to be getting positive reviews if you're interested =3 but what sort of stories strike your interest?

Frankly if it were me i'd just lean back and run through a story of my own in my head... It's what i usually do when i took tests and finished early... Just thought of a concept and worked a story around it... came home and wrote it down.

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I second Past Sins. It's like one of the godliest reads you'll ever get; it's 13 5-page chapters, so it's adequately lengthy that you will probably finish it just in time if you're a good reader.

Notice: I wouldn't take an i-anything and use it as the basis for your plans. I had to do standardized testing in my class, and the rule was you give up *ALL* electronics regardless of type until the end of the test. Any that you hid in your pocket that went off testing was still in progress, automatically nullified your entire room's test results and required their re-taking it (except you. You don't get to re-test, because you just failed outright for the year) at a later date. They were similarly paranoid for writing utensils after you were done, so clear that up before you try drawing (although that would be my ideal diversion).

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I second Past Sins. It's like one of the godliest reads you'll ever get; it's 13 5-page chapters, so it's adequately lengthy that you will probably finish it just in time if you're a good reader.

Notice: I wouldn't take an i-anything and use it as the basis for your plans. I had to do standardized testing in my class, and the rule was you give up *ALL* electronics regardless of type until the end of the test. Any that you hid in your pocket that went off testing was still in progress, automatically nullified your entire room's test results and required their re-taking it (except you. You don't get to re-test, because you just failed outright for the year) at a later date. They were similarly paranoid for writing utensils after you were done, so clear that up before you try drawing (although that would be my ideal diversion).

I suppose packing a party cannon and firing it off is out, then.

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I gotta agree, reading novels is good. They also have the benefit of coming in book form which you don't have to read them on computers.

Some cute books I can think of

Watership Down: Its about bunnies

The Unlikely Ones: the majority of the characters are cute animals

Various Xanth novels: various cute characters. Incredibly easy to read

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I'm actually looking for ways to expand my knowledge of fanfiction, and learn how to write FiM-related novels, stories, and the like. So I was going to use the period for fanfiction.

I've got novels for School I could read, but I'm going to save that for a rainy day at home, seeing as how I don't need to read them until late May. (And they're 100 or less pages.)

Thanks for the ideas, I will look into Past Sins, but by no means will I NOT accept more ideas, guys!

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