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How to get more links in your signature in 7 steps!


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Alright, so ever since the way in which signature length was calculated changed, there've been a lot of people going 'I can't have links to each of my characters in my signature anymore'. Well, no, you probably can't if you're using the rather bloated HTML tags the board sees fit to make the default.

So, we need to do a little more work!


Get all your application links handy. You know where they are, right?


Open up a URL-shortener. http://tinyurl.com/ is a good one, but for now, http://c0lt.co/ is better because there are still lots of two-character links available, and the website name is a little shorter.


For the time being, you might be able to get custom c0lt.co URLs by using the custom URL - I suggest using your characters initials. BUT! c0lt.co for some reason doesn't like upper-case letters, and will ignore them in your custom URL. Why? I dunno!


Using your URL shortener, shorten that application URL you want to link in your signature!


Start editing your signature.


Now here's where we start having fun. See that little lightswitch icon, the one that says 'toggle editing mode'? Hit that.


Now we start using BCC code, which is far more character-efficient than HTML. You want a link of your character's name? Here's what you gotta type ;


that'd get you



Repeat with the shortening URLs and putting them in your signature. You can even colour them if you think you can spare the extra characters! To do that, just surround the URL with

[color=#RRGGBB] and [/color]

where RR, GG, and BB are the red, green, and blue values of your colour in hexadecimal. I'll let you figure that out on your own, though.

Hope this was useful!

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Yo, cool, bro.

It's still not enough saved space for me to fit all my OCs in, but I'm sure it's helpful for plenty of users. :D

Actually, uh, I have ten links in my signature, whereas you have eight characters, you should be able to manage! On the flip side, you'll probably have to drop the images.

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Yeah. I kind of hated getting rid of it since I thought it looked nice, but I actually kinda did most of the stuff you mentioned and it still would never save right with all the characters I had... And I felt bad since there were new characters I was unable to add to the list.

Now that we have the character log thing right there at the side of each post to encourage visits to my log, I decided to drop the character list entirely. I still do miss it though...

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  • 1 month later...

I heard the line-count for signatures had been arbitrarily

reduced from four lines to three, and I wasn't sure if anything else would be changed.

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Cool! But I've got a slightly different question regarding links and signatures.

Is there a way to rig the banner in my signature so that it works LIKE a link when you click on it? I'd like clicking it to redirect to my blog, if that's possible.

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on the second row at the top, there's a button that looks like a chain with a green + on it, right below the size selection thing. highlight your image and paste the URL into there :)

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