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Does anyones Parents know they are a Brony?


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I'm honestly not sure. I'm pretty sure they know, judging by all of my pony drawings they've seen, and how casually I'll plop down on the couch to watch mlp in the living room. My mom knows I watch the show, but I tend to get distracted by just about anything that's on tv and I have a 2-year-old sister and a 4-year-old sister, so she might possibly just think I'm getting distracted, not actually enjoying the show. I'm really not secretive about it at all- I'm a girl, albeit a 16-year-old one, so it doesn't really seem that weird for me to like mlp. (No, I'm not saying male bronies are weird. They most certainly aren't- well, most of them, anyways. :razz: )

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My parents don't know I even watch the show. The only one's that caught me are my sister and niece. The funny thing is,my parents already think I'm gay(Which, I somewhat am. I'm bisexual but entirely lean towards girls. So...bascially I'm open.) and if they knew I watched it they'd probably think I'd be the gayest person on earth.

Normally, if that were to happen, I'd start a huge argument about how only like 3% of the bronies on the planet are fully gay, and jsut because I watch the show doesn't make me gay.

But...since this would be about MLP, and I know my ex's sister is a huge brony, I'd go upstairs, pack some clothes, put some decen shoes on, go to the door, flip 'em off and leave. ...Yeah...I'm really short tempered >3> They make fun of me for watching WWE, so...y'know...I should be.

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My mom knows about me being a pegasister. Although she may think I am cocoa loco, I am not ashamed. I love being a pegasister and I have ordered a brony shirt to show it to everyone. I am still not ashamed, though. People should like what they want to like and people who refer to this as "gay"... they are wrong. In my opinion, anyway.

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Dang. I concider myself lucky, my parents know and neither care. My dad just harasses me in a kidding fashion, and my mom actually finds it amusing, occasionally joining me on saturday mornings or buying me the odd piece of merch

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  • 2 months later...

My entire family knows because I never bothered to keep it a secret. Though they don't understand and good-naturedly tease me at times, that is the worst I've ever had it. One of my younger brothers (2 year college student) who is by no means a brony finds the show humerous and will occassionally watch an episode with me. My parents also totally don't get it, but my Dad does a little bit after I spent about an hour trying to explain to him exactly what it was about the show that I enjoyed so much. So yeah. - (Guy who is just finishing his fifth year of college)

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My mother doesn't understand, but she was the same way when I signed up for the Army. I believe her words were, "well, unsign up."

My father just laughed and told me that it is no different from when I was into Saturday morning cartoons when I was a kid. I don't really think he got it, but that's all good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My mom knows I love mlp and my dad would if he actually paid attention. I'll watch it in the living room without shame. My brother loves the show too and my mom doesn't care. I even tried to get her to watch it bit I honestly think it's not her cup of tea. My brother's a bit more secretive about it so I let him act like I was the one watching mlp to cover him XD Since I'm a girl, I imagine the stigma isn't as heavy on me as it would be on him. My older sister really got into the show after her kids started watching it. We have pony conversations in the middle of thanksgiving and stuff XP.

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No, absolutely not! I don't live with my parents any more and I adamantly refuse to share this with them. I was teased enough for Pokemon when I was 12 now I'm in my twenties. Nope nuh-uh no way! Not telling them. I have a separate email to use for brony related shenaniganry. Is it petty? Yes. Is it childish of me? To be certain. But I'd rather not be hassled about being a My Little Pony fan. It's difficult enough knowing they know I collect vintage Transformers toys and new ones as well. I love my parents dearly and I'd never replace them but mines a very critical about everything in my life since I've moved out. My room mates don't even know I like this fandom and show. I have effectively separated this franchise altogether from my personal life. I don't even feel comfortable approaching this a a hipster would and liking it ironically. I have to watch this show in secret and steal glances from the toy isle on merchandise I actually want to myself. I was once caught looking in the MLP isle at Toys R Us and an associate asked me if I liked the show and who was my favorite. I told him that I was shopping for a gift for my niece and never seen the show. I then asked him which was the most popular for I may have to settle on that one. I had an opportunity to be a brony and I chickened out. To be perfectly honest this is where I come to be a Brony.

I feel pretty bad admitting I'm very ashamed of being a Brony.

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Yes, my parents know and so do my friends. Your parents should accept YOU for who YOU are. No one can change who you are. Whether you like MLP or not it doesn't matter like what you like! You don't have to listen to other peoples opinions except for yours. Of course, there will always be people who don't like you. It's not because you like MLP, its because they just don't like people. There is no reason to be ashamed of yourself for liking something. Who cares if you like MLP? Like pinkie pie said, "Fashion is her passion" Its the same thing here. If MLP is your passion, don't change it! Never be ashamed of who YOU are. You are you no matter what. Even though my best friend hates MLP, were still BEST friends. even my aunts and uncles know. I order packages of MLP merchandise here and there and they get me stuff to! Once again, you should never be ashamed for being a brony.

I feel pretty bad admitting I'm very ashamed of being a Brony.

Why? If you like it, thats all that matters. Remember, there is always the power of ignorance! :)


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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm more than certain my parents know, as I've actually told my mother, and my father has seen my pony posters & merchandise in my room. My parents aren't the fairest people of them all, so I believe they actually shun me for it. They normally don't accept me for who I truly am, and I believe becoming a Brony has made them even more disappointed in me. I don't really care though, being a Brony makes me happy, Twilight Sparkle makes me happy. That's all that really matters to me.

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I was always open about it to my Dad, since I'm lucky enough to have a father who loves me no matter what, and I appreciate that every day. He clearly thinks it's weird, but he doesn't try to stop me or insult me or anything. When I told my stepmother and little sister, they started watching it too, and at this point share a mild liking for the show.

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Both my parents know, but they both feel slightly different about it...

My mom is fine with the fact that I like the show (in her own words: better to be addicted to ponies than drugs!) but she doesn't like the fact that older men watch it as well. (heh, I guess its 'slightly' normal for a 14 year old to watch a show for kids) She thinks bronies are freaks, no matter how much I try to tell her how nice they really are. However, even if she is fine that I like it, she doesn't want to watch it herself. Every time I have it on Netflix, she always says to turn it off. So yeah, I try to hide my bronyism around my mom

My dad on the other hand, is mostly cool with it. He seems pretty interested by the show (especially when I told him Weird Al was in an episode!) but hasn't seen it. He's also pretty neutral on the idea of bronies, doesn't hate them, but isn't too much for them either.

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  • 1 month later...

Dang. I concider myself lucky, my parents know and neither care. My dad just harasses me in a kidding fashion, and my mom actually finds it amusing, occasionally joining me on saturday mornings or buying me the odd piece of merch

My parents do that too. I got Pinkie earbuds as a gag gift for my birthday. I turned 14.

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  • 4 weeks later...


My parents aren't at all open-minded when it comes to Internet cultures, games, or practically a lot of things I like and do. Tell them I met a friend online, first thing I get is panicking about 'watch out he's not pretending and is like an old man and.. ' (Which is sorta true, you can pretend to be someone you're not on the Internet easily).

So I don't think telling them I watch a show originally intended for little girls and that there's an entire community of adolescent men loving the show too is a good idea to say the least....

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My folks know I talk about the show and fandom with several of my friends and they've seen me watching it on Netflix or my laptop prior to having netflix but they don't say anything about it which is perfectly fine with me. I am female so again there is the stereotype of a it not being as "weird" that a female is interested in the show verses a male. Albeit I'm not a teenager, coming up on 24 soon enough. I have an apartment in the downstairs portion of the house and my life is pretty much my own save for my folks living on the floor above me. They don't bother much with the endevours of my life anymore and though they might not have a clue what I'm talking about should they hear a conversation with a friend or I have the TV up a bit too loud, they don't heap any negativity upon me for liking what I like. That entire ordeal was gone through YEARS earlier when they found out I was heavy into anime and then a bit later they caught onto the fact I was [and still am] a proud member of the Furry community. They certainly thought those two genres were weird but they got over it and once they clearly saw I wasn't into any of the bad stuff [porn, drugs, etc.] they just advised I watch my back and be careful when online and at conventions and that was it. Granted they do think the amount of money I tend to splurge at conventions on this stuff let alone making my cosplay or fursuits is crazy but so long as I can pay my bills and rent to them it doesn't matter. They understand we all have things we splurge on after all. My folks are very mature in their manner of handling things they don't understand. I honestly believe the fact they did not have me until much later in their marriage [they were in their thirties when I was born] gave them time to grow, adjust and mature themselves thus making it a tad easier when I was born as they had a different outlook and understanding of life at that point.

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  • 1 month later...

I've seen that this is a tricky topic, if not for the fact that everyone's parents are so different. Some may willingly accept it and celebrate it with their child, or see it as deviance and shun the behavior.

Remember a lot of what makes FiM so special is how it was able to break down so many gender-role reinforced paradigms -- it would be against its spirit to hide it away like something to be embarrassed about.

If your family criticizes you about liking it, ask them what else you shouldn't like based on their personal taste preferences. If you have to hide away pony to be accepted by your parents, how else do you have to act to be accepted? That sounds like a good setup for a rocky future relationship to me.

I think you're right on Rosewind.

I was surprised t find that my 6yr old son liked MLP but I watched it with him...and watched some more...and liked all the things that others mention about the show - but I LOVE the values promoted through the plots. If my son still likes MLP when he's a teen or older I would think it was great that there's something he really likes. I respect Bronies who can reconcile the show with how they see themselves - as people who have fun and (for the most part) express respect and kindness toward others.

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