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About Myself: I mostly draw just for the hobby and relaxation it gives me. I don't know what to really say besides that...uhm...I love pigeons?

How I found Canterlot.com: I found the site when I was lurking across google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I mostly joined the fanbase community for the artwork and the really great OCs It developed. and also out of all the other fanbase communities, this was the most accepting,nice and understanding.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy
Hello brony community, My name is Hound Laze and I just want to thank you for clicking on this thread to read my introduction to the forum website.

I have recently came from another forum site because of how I was getting little appreciation for the things I have done for them. Everytime I upload anything from the other site, I always get over-shadowed from some other persons artwork because they were there before me. I try not to give up and just keep drawing requests, in hope for the people would love the stuff I do and see me as one of their friends, but I just eventually grew tired of trying to post constantly trying to get some type of attention and just want to go somewhere else where I can be appreaciated for the stuff that I love to and not trying to make myself constanly post. I looked around many forum websites but I never seen as much support from anything from anyone until I found this site from lurking around google. I see this as an comfortable home and a great new place for me to show some of my artworks and have great feedback and the apprieciation for at least putting my own "originallity" touch to my drawings. I asak of you bronies or pegasisters to welcome me to your home and accept me for my motivation to join this forum.

here's some of my artworks of my OCs that I did with a mouse




One of my hand drawn designs for an idea for my OCs.( I never know why I drew him standing up with two legs and is wearing giant gloves for.)


So I hope you like my stuff and welcom me to your commmunity C:

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welcome welcome welcome! a fine welcome to you! welcome welcome welcome! I say how do you do!? welcome welcome welcome! I say hippi-hip hooray! welcome welcome welcome to CAN-TER-LOT TOODAAAY!!

wow! i really like your style and your OC is adorable! definitely expect to be getting requests from me! welcome again to Canterlot.com cant wait to see you on the boards :D

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Welcome to Canterlot!

I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope to not only see you in the arting area but also in the RP area!

PS: Your art is pretty good, keep up the good work!

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d'aww shucks thanks you guys for welcoming me from another forum website and I will make sure that I will make a request thread or topic once I get myself started and set up for having such responsibillities.but on a unrelated note, I'm not a good writer and not a good roleplayer.

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I thought you were referencing this with your greeting of "Let's Rock":


oh, well where I got it from a fighting game and also heard about it on this website that always had a thread about their favorite character going against another example.

:smirk: vs :?: LETS ROCK!

apoligies for not knowing the reference.

also thank you everyone for welcoming me. :sad: I will make a topic or thread about these artworks and hopefully will be taking in requests sooner or later

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