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The Return of Discord [Open]

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Amidst the confusion, the mask calculated the teleport signature and with a laugh, vanishing once more but with the mask affixed to him still. "Let's get into his temple and surprise him!", the mask whispered as the teleport completed and Silver found himself standing before Discord.

Laughing, Silver said, "We meet again..." and stood there, waiting for Discord to respond.

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Strife felt his anger slowly dissipate as he ran after Potey, it went away compleatly as he saw the greedy Unicorn...eat his sorce of power.....

Finally reallizing what he was doing and WHERE he was and WHO he was fighting, Strife whimpered as he slowly turned around and noticed the armed Earth Pony and angry looking Unicorn.

"Ugh....Hi...PoutywaitformeI'mecoming!" He shouted in fear and ran after his fellow Servent of Discord, for protection instead of revenge.


Discord was watching his pawns bicker and fight, complaining about it all the while,"Oh come on! Work together to cause some chaos! Why do I always get the idiots?" He groaned, he was about to summon them back to sort this mess out when he felt the pressence of a very old and unwelcome enemy .

"We meet again."

"It is a most unwelcome meeting. Old one. But sense you seem to be content with standing there. Here is a little welcome present!" He replyed cooly as he flicked his final piece of pop-corn at the parasite, it slowly grew bigger and bigger until it reached massive proportions.

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He laughed at him and sped up, running under a bridge where he could hide safely, he felt warm with the power that the gem inbued him with." Strife you suck!" He called curling up in a ball, content with the power he had.... for now....

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Nemesis remained silent as he was teleported to the canterlot gardens, his wing was self repairing and his core was recharging it would be a while before he can use his cannons or overdrive mode again. Thankfully he also regained his normal size after potey shrank him down.

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Fireheart was taken back at the question that the small unicorn asked him "y-yes I was here but Canterlot wasn't built by then as for the time Discord first got out I lived in my home ,Skyhaven castle, so I wasn't here when they made the maze but I've been through it a lot so I know it like the back of my hoof, but I wouldn't go through it if I were you

Song was confused at the events of what were taking place. First she and the element of rudeness were facing off next moment another pony poped into the scene then he stole a gem and took off and swollowed both gems then hid out of sight. "If you turn away from Discord now darling I can guarantee your safety Song suggested

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We have a warning from an alicorn not to go in. It's best if we stay out.

Wait... If it's so dangerous that a powerful pony doesn't want to go in, perhaps there is something special in there...

I don't think the risk is worth a chance.

Screw that, we need to find SOMETHING to defeat Discord.

"Sorry Fire, but I think the risk is worth the reward. If we can find this gear in there, defeating Discord becomes at least 20% easier. If you don't want to enter with us, I'm sure Nemsis can download some map of this maze to help us."

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*Sigh* Alright I'll go with you but what ever we do DO NOT get seperated, the mane six went through here and were turned by Discord's powers we can't afforded that to happen here and if we do get seperated don't get distacted it is how he can lure ponies into his traps. He might be chaotic, but I have to admire him for his cunning.

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The mask and Silver laughed at the giant kernel of popcorn thrown their way. "Really, Discord. Is this how you treat all your guests?, Silver asked as he sidestepped the popcorn and lifted Bowie up gently. "You know what to do, right?", Silver whispered and Bowie nodded. "Strike with the Force Sword, the bane of evil and chaos. Got it.", Bowie said as he was launched at Discord, his sword piercing his chaotic hide like butter as the jewels of Light and Evil gave a blinding flash of light, imbuing the blade with the proper power to weaken the God of Chaos.

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Sounds like us in court.

Not sure if I should be offended by that.

"Alright Fire. Everypony will stay together, and won't leave unless we come with them. If we see something out of the ordinary, we'll decide as a group whether it's Discord, or if it's possibly something leading to his gear. Let's move out!" Balance moved to the entrance of the maze, waiting for everypony.

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Nemesis had enough charge to activate his flight engines "I'll take to the sky and watch over you all from above. If I see anything up ahead i'll warn you." his wing was in a good enough condition for flight now. still rather weak until his self repair system's do a thorough job.

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"Not much, actually. I know that it's owned by the princess's, at least to my knowledge, and I have the exterior memorized, having come here a lot when I was young. It's somehow always remained perfectly groomed, never really changing, staying nostalgically the same." Balance saw Nemesis fly off. "See ya' Nem! Now, where was I... Oh, yes. I also know of some large history behind it, I heard some creature was trapped in it. But that's just some old legends, unless Discord did something to this maze, I doubt we'll see anything other than ourselves. I mean, if it were true, it would have left by now."

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I wouldn't do that robot. There is a magic shield dome over the maze it was placed there by Discord long ago to keep Rainbow Dash and any other flyer from cheating in the maze. It's still there today even me, Tia and Luna togather couldn't get rid of it. He warned but his warning came to late as the robot pony took flight.

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Nemesis stopped just short of the sheild dome as the tip of his left wing vanished, he pulled away in time to stop the rest of his wing from vanishing "oh great!" he yelled out above the ponies "I just got this wing! I didn't even get the insurance yet!" inside he was scared that a piece of his wing is just gone. but tried to hide his fear with humor. and to keep the others in good spirits.

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I don't I have to say it but I TOLD YOU SO. Fire said rolling his eyes in annoyance. Come down here and I'll fix your wing.

You are correct Balance it does stay the same on the outside. After Discord the maze constenly shifs now always making a new challenge, but I have to admit that makes it more fun now.

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Amber Wands ulped, Even her time in the palace for investigations of magical mysteries had never taken her to the garden and it's maze. Something had always seemed off to her about it after Discord's escape last time.

Wait a moment, could that be it? is there something of Discord in there? She tried closing her eyes to focus and see if she could detect them now, but found the eyelids unable to move. With a sigh, she focused on the maze. It felt like there was something there, but she could not place it just yet.

"All right, I will go in too." She looked at Fireheart "Are the Princesses still safe? And is there anything that can be done about my transformation into living amber? Or must we imprison Discord before it can be undone?"

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The Princesses are currently residing at Skyhaven now and as for your transformation I'll revert the curse for you just stand still. Fire responded as the rainbow started to glow on his horn again. Then he realeased the spell letting the rainbow wrap around the amber unicron returning her back to normal.

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Strife fell to the ground in pain as Potey ran off into the distance, yelling insults all the while,"W-whats wrong with me? It feels like my insides are on fire!" He muttered between pained gasps. What he didn't realise was that he was feeling the effects from all the injurys he had taken, the countless energy bolts, a building collapsing while he was on it, his ribs being broken, and most of all Silver's attack. He couldn't continue to fight, but if he stopped Discord would punish him. What should he do?

M-maybe I should take her offer. I bet I need medical attention after all...and I won't be able to chase down Potey until I get better. He planned out in his head, besides, this chick could probably destroy him! He would be usless dead!

"Alright. I just need medical attention, I don't feel so good."


Discord roared in pain as the blade was sunk into his flesh, he had enough of this nonsense! He was a God! He would not be sent back to his stony prisen.

"Get off me you cur." He growled as he felt his power be drained, he grabbed the Earth Pony by the throat and threw him off his temple, firing bolts of Chaos Magic at him as he fell. He then pulled the sword out of his body, ignoring the intense pain and threw it at Silver, rushing behind the blade ready to strike at him.

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Amber whewed in relief at the news the Princesses were safe from Discord.

Then Fireheart gave her some good news bout her problem. She stood still, something disturbingly easy to do for her as amber and waited.

The unicorn gasped as she felt herself soften into flesh and bone "Oh Thank you! I'll have to be on my guard to keep Potey or Strife from doing that to me again on purpose! I'm sure Discord is greatly amused by the promise of a living gemstone to make a chaos stone from..."

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Chaos stone? Fire interupted worried then he turned away It is as I feared Discord is creating Elementes of Chaos to combat my Elements of Harmony we must hurry before he impowers his minions with all six!

Song eyed him catiously then said. Alright I'll take you to Canterlot and Fireheart will look to your injuries then he'll send you to Skyhaven Castle where you'll be safe. She then casted a teleportaiom spell and with a pop both of them landed in the Castle gardens.

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Discord shouted into his orb as he ran at his opponent, it was currently connected to all his temples scattered across this vile country, so he can give orders to all his worshippers,"The time has come for us to rise! Begin your revolts, Gangers of Fillydelphia and Manehatton! Rise Chaotic Cowboys of Applelossa and Dodge Junction! Begin raiding and looting Vicious Vikings of Stalliongrad! Not-so-nobles of Canterlot, overthrow your false rulers! For Chaos!" He yelled into the orb, very soon all his followers scattered in all of Equestria's major cities would begin the war against order.

And soon he would lead them, he simply needed to destroy this parasite.


Strife wanted to growl as he heard Potey mock him from his unseen location...but he found himself incapable of feeling anger, what was wrong with him? He also felt himself grow weak as Song casted her spell, by the time they were at the Royal Gardens, he was unconscious.

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Fireheart was surpriesd to see Song with Stife teleporting in front of him, but another pony apearing before him as well and grabbing the knock out unicorn

I believe I should ask you that question chaos pony. He said glareing hard at the earth pony then he waved his hoof and threw him off of Stife and created a bubble shield over Song and Strife to keep the Chaotic pony away from them.

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