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The Return of Discord [Open]

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Balance was confused when Song came with Strife, and Potey followed after. There was no way... Did Song join Discord's army?!

This isn't good... And this is worse!

A portal suddenly appeared, and ponies began coming out. "Everypony! Discord's attacking! Get in the maze!" He yelled. He didn't want to charge in first, since he may end up seperated from the group. He was waiting for the rest of his group to respond.

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Allies don't fight and insult each other besides he needs help and Discord will only hurt him more. Song said through the shield.

I don't sense any true chaos in this young one's heart either I will take him to Skyhaven where Moonlight will see to his injuries. Fire added then he sent Stife to Skyhaven with a pop and turned to the young pony charging his horn and struck him in the head canceling his spell completelty. Don't think for a second you can fight the god of order and don't think you can follow my spell Skyhaven is a place of pure order only those with no chaos in their heart may enter.

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He growled and backed up," I think I'll be on my way then." He said," I'm sure Discord will love to kill you later/" He teleported away, back to the Temple, right in front of the Mask. He smiled, and shot the Mask with a giant ray of Chaos energy, enough to do serious damage, as he was charged by the power of two gems." Take this you order slave!" He snarled

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Bowie, cried out in pain as he was unceremoniously thrown by Discord, his sword close behind him. "Oh no,", he said as he saw the bolts being fired at him but calling upon the ancient magic of the jewels, vanished just before impact along with his sword.

The mask laughed as Discord charged behind the now vanished sword. "what good is it to send out your followers when you won't be there to lead them?", Silver asked as he lent his essence to the mask and went to twice Discord's size and power before meeting the charge with his hardened horn. Impaling Discord, he lifted his head effortlessly and let his followers see what was happening through the orb before performing an accelerated magic siphon. "it's time to finish this!", Silver said as his spikes extended and pierced Discord in 6 more places. This was a costly maneuver as Silver couldn't maintain it and collapsed, dead for good.

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"so discord gallifrey wasn't enough for you was'nt it?" said the doctor looking mad "you tortured ny people with chaos you tried to ruin gallifrey but i stopped you and know you go to different world's for fun? i can take you to a place called home i don't wanna fight to make you leave but i'll do anything to keep this world SAFE" the doctor said walking up to discord

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Discord fell to the ground, he had come oh so very close to being drained, he stared at the corpse of his long time foe's host, what killed him? Potey? No, not possible.

Staring down at the body, Discord grinned insanely as he scrambled over to pull the mask off Silver's face,"Well, well, well, I guess your not as good at choosing hosts as you claim!"He taunted before limping to his throne, his wounds slowly healing all the while,"I think I will put you next to my throne and make you watch as my followers destroy your precious world! Oh how much fun we shall have!" He laughed as he fell into his seat, he then noticed that the leaders of all the respective Chaotic Factions were staring at him, confused as to whether he was the God he said he was.

They dare dought me? Their Daddy Discord? Their master? Unaccptable.He thought to himself angrilly, before putting on a smile,"What are you looking at? I let him hit me so he could have a false sense of security! It all went according to plan!" With that, the Faction Leaders looked more or less convinced.

Looking over at the Element of Greed, Discord's eyes narrowed, how dare he try to ruin his glorious plan!

"Care to explain why you stole Strife's powers and allowed him to be captured by my oppisite?" He growled out, turning off the orb to avoide prying eyes or ears.

Before he could hear his excuse however, a vaugly famillier Brown Earth Colt began walking up his temple Steps,"How did you get here without being welcomed?" He asked as he motioned for some very-confused guards,"Oh well, here is your welcoming crew! This should be good!" He chuckled before sitting to watch the show.

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"I-I wanted it." He said, as if it were the best excuse in the world, as he rubbed his belly." And he allowed himself to be taken, It was his fault!" He said," No! It's you're fault for chossing a stupid follower!" He said rudely.

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"ohh yeah real scary' said the doctor pushing away the sword's of the guard's "i did welcome my self anyhow i seek you to leave or i will get you to" the doctor siad grabbing discord making him let go of potey's neck "leave the poor sap alone please"

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Moonlight, a deep blue unicorn was strolling in the court yard of Skyhaven when heard a pop of teleport magic nearby and walked over to investigate and was surprised to find another unicorn unconcious on the stone ground. Oh dear whatever happen to you She said worriedly and leveitated the young colt and took inside the castle.

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{OOC,Hyperbrony, Discord is extreamly tall compared to the average pony. So I don't exactly see how he can grab him with enough force to make him drop somepony.}

Discord narrowed his eyes at the foolish little colt that dared touch him,"I will not be the one leaving. I'm already home. You on the other hand are not welcome here. Adios." With that, he gave the colt the gift that keeps on giving, a back-handed slap with enough force to knock him back several feet. The Dark Deity turned back to the Element of Greed,"Now back to you." Discord muttered, turning back to Pouty,"You will go redeem yourself by making sure my forces in Canterlot succeed while I findout where Strife went." He ordered, the undertone of his voice making it clear there was no room for an augment.


Strife slowly came back to the world of the living,"W-where am I?" He mumbled, it looked like he was inside of some....castle? Aw buck, was he in Canterlot? Was he going to prisin? He would not go back there!

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"But I know where Strife went!" He exclaimed," The alicorn said Skyhaven!" He smiled and said" And technically, you told me to go check on the forces while you figure it out, so since you know, I don't have to go!" He said laughing

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Balance became more nervous every second, as more and more ponies of Discord came running out from the portal. He finally caved in and yelled. "Can we go in already?!" He backed up, which ended in a big mistake. Hedges suddenly shot up from where he was, blocking the entrance, and the opposite side of the original passage. "Celestia darn it! Okay guys, you can go in the maze or stay, just remember to STAY TOGETHER if you go in. I'll see you all later!" He yelled to them, and he started running through the maze quickly, hoping to get away from the entrance before looking.

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Discord groaned at Potey's words,"Really? Skyhaven? This just got interesting. I'm too busy to siege Skyhaven right now,especially for one pony. Strife will have to put up with whatever bland tortures they expose him to." He hated Skyhaven, it was so boring!

Looking up at the rude pony with a look that simply said really? This is getting old," Too bad. Your going anyway. I shall be there in a moment." He deadpanned,"Remember, your skating on thin ice."

With that, he raised his hand lazily and sent him to a random location in Canterlot.


Strife tried to look to see who he was talking to, but that only ended in more pain.

"I'm...Strife." He mumbled out, fearing that if he didn't give his name they would deprive him of medical attention.

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Balance heard somepony speaking nearby. Please don't say that's Potey... Balance made a quick thought, and disguised his voice to be much lower and gruffer than his normal voice. "This is a lowly grunt of Discord, here to captcher slaves of order! Surrender now or prepare to be cursed!" He improvised.

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"There's no need to be afraid you're safe here not even Discord himself can get though and would impossiable to siege for it is high in the clouds matter in fact it higher that Cloudsdale." Moon responded gently turning to the table behind her and picking up a bandage and putting healing potion on it. "This might hurt a bit" She warned wrapping the bandage around the colt's torso.

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He stuck his head around the corner where the voice came from" Liar!" He said, and came closer to the pony," I'm stronger now, do you think you can take me?" He asked, smirking devilshly," I think you'd look nice as a kitten, how does that sound?"

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