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Make way for the tiger :3


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One does not simply choose a favourite pony.

Oh, just thought i'd add a few more things.

I HATE the use of pony creator. I believe only in own art.

My profile picture is my character from a game i play that i am the graphic artist of, it's down at the moment, but when it comes up ill still be just as active on here ^-^

My real OC is the same shade of white with red hair. I'm good at art, i guess, but it seems a bit basic to have a pencil or paintbrush as my cutie mark. I was thinking an arrow or bow with fire around it, i've always liked archery.

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Welcome to Canterlot! Whoa, the color green sure is awesome! My favorite too, at least! So you like potatoes... Are you sure you aren't Irish? ;-) I love potatoes too, so I can't blame you for it. Have a great time here, fellow potato lover ^_^ You can consider yourself honorary Irish, eh? :D

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I love japan, I am a japanofile T_T

Also, welcome to Cantlerot!

I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope to see you active and in the RP area!

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I love japan, I am a japanofile T_T

Haha. That made me laugh.

And thanks, everyone. I look forward to posting a ton and being really active >;o Ive been really bored recently, so hopefully being here will cure it ^-^

I'll also get on to the RPG thingy. (y)

Again, thanks!

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Oh, hello. :D nice to meet you. As for the pony creator, it may be "cheating" if you're using it for a final project, but it's certainly good for brainstorming character design, and learning new positions and what they look like on paper. It might not be a bad idea to play around with it for a while.

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Oh, hello. :D nice to meet you. As for the pony creator, it may be "cheating" if you're using it for a final project, but it's certainly good for brainstorming character design, and learning new positions and what they look like on paper. It might not be a bad idea to play around with it for a while.

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Thanks, and i meant something on the lines of that. Submitting it as your own art or as a final isn't all that good. I do play around on it sometimes to show a few friends and let them make a pony. For nothing else, though ^-^

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One thing that I still use Pony Creator for is to get a general idea of the colors and a close style of how I want the pony to look before I set out and seduce an artist to draw them for me =)

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Welcome to Canterlot, Lou :)

Hope you enjoy your time here :D

And Japan...That is just awesome in it's own right...and you like potatoes and anime...awesomer! :kissy:

Edit: I saw your character app as well, good luck with it! :D

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