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Terrain [Final]

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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Terrain

Sex: Male

Age: stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Blue

Coat Color: Forest green

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Dark red color.

Physique: A head taller than some ponies, enough that you can spot him easily in a large crowd.

Cutie Mark: A tree with a very light brown to stand out against his coat, and leaves that are a multitude of yellows, oranges, greens and whites.

Origin/Residence: Born in Manehattan and lived there until young adulthood. Current residence Solstice Heights.

Occupation: Terrain works as one of the local gardeners/landscapers in the area, helping ponies with any plant life they may have in their home, on their property, or may be interested in learning to grow.

Motivation: even in the harshest conditions, a plant will still adapt and thrive. (aka a cactus in the desert. hardly any water for miles yet these plants are tough and durable)

Likes: Sunny days, singing to himself, tending to his garden

Dislikes: ponies who merely see land as something to cover with stone and metal. Ponies who are so superficial as to only focus on outer appearance, rather than the true goodness inside a pony's heart.

Character Summary: Terrain was born in Manehattan, living in a high rise apartment with his mother and father. As he grew, he never really noticed how little plant life there was except for the occasional tree. However when he was a young colt, his parents took him to play in the large central park a ways from their home. His eyes widened at all the greenery, taking in the sight of all the flowers, trees, and other plant life around. It was a stark contrast to the stone and metal of the hustle and bustle of the city. He loved playing in the park and after the first time he was sad to leave such a colorful and alive place.

Over the next few years Terrain showed an increased interest in plant life, as well as nature in general. As a young colt he would tend to the flower box his parents let him keep outside his bedroom window, making sure that no bugs or birds ruined his plants. When it came to school he was less focused on math, the arts, and held a great dislike for history, and was more focused when it came to science and learning about the workings of plants and animals. Though more so the plants than anything else. Throughout his school life he chose to follow the sciences more, once hitting university taking the basic courses, but mostly focusing on biology, ecology, as well as a semester of paleontology to learn about the ancient kinds of plants that used to be around in olden times.

After graduating he decided to move to a city with less stone and metal, and more plant life. He decided to save up his bits and moved to the pleasant area of Solstice heights. There he used his knowledge of plants and soils to start his own gardening/lawn care business. He now has a semi-successful job of not only selling decorative plants, but edible ones to both residents and local businesses.

Cutie mark story: As a young colt, Terrain loved that during the various seasons, nature as well as plant life would change, young blooming flowers in spring, warm days in the freshly grown grass in summer, and the beauty of the multitude of colors of leaves in autumn. Though his joy of plant life always took a drop, growing a dislike for the last quarter of the seasons. Winter. The time when the cold of snow would cause plants to either die off or go into their winter stasis until Spring came again. While studying plant life he tried to figure out a way for plants to grow even in the cold brought on by the change of seasons. For a while it stumped him, learning of only the few plants that could withstand the cold but only grew in far away lands through books at the library.

One day while heading through the market place on an errand for his mother for some vegetables for dinner, he came across a shop that sold exotic flowers. Immediately his interest was peeked as he walked inside, his face like a foal in a candy store. He looked over the various plants inside and to his surprise and amazement, he found that they in fact sold seeds for the plants that could grow in the cold weather. His mother had given him a few extra bits for a snack for himself on the way home but instead spent it on the seeds. As it was nearing the time for the seasons to be changing to winter, he read through on how to care for the cold weather plants, as well as making sure they never got too cold or too warm.

For almost weeks his efforts seemed to be wasted, closing his eyes and trying to work a little magic into the seeds to see if they could grow a little quicker. At first there was no reaction, so his hopes were dashed as he went to sleep. But overnight an amazing thing happened. The seeds soaked in his magic began to sprout, blooming in nearly half the time as by morning, the snow lilies were fully bloomed, their blue and white petals matching perfectly with the freshly fallen snow from the clouds the pegasi moved the other day. It was at that moment he realized that he could enjoy all the seasons, as well as enjoy the beauty of nature within them. It was then his cutie mark, a tree with leaves matching the colors representing all four seasons appeared on his flank.

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This is an excellent application overall, my only question is why did he use magic to make zebra like stripes appear on his body (since you mentioned he wasn't born with them). Leaving out an explanation makes the stripes rather superfluous by nature.

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