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About Myself: As far as this website is concerned; I am a Pegasus pony. Im fairly blue colored and my main goal in life is to make other people happy and healthy in any way i can. Im a one of a kind healer, and you can bet on me to help you out in a jam.

Im a Luna follower, a pony of night. I prefer living as high in the clouds as i can, and my best flying skill is causing the soft wind that pushes the clouds along.

How I found Canterlot.com: Bronyvill

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My ex BF wanted to do an RP with me, but i didn't know ANY characters. I watched the show to study the characters, and when i realized i hadn't talk to him in 3 days because i had to watch all of season one... i admitted i was addicted. Easy transition i suppose. In the end i continued watching JUST the show with no fanbase involved in my pony loving. Then i somehow ended up working for MLPOnline.net, and i met my current boyfriend. When i wanted to drop off because i didnt like dealing with anti-bronies (who i never had to deal with until i was involved with the fanbase) he forced me to stay. I want to interact with more bronies in an environment that would have little to no bashing on something i love.... Long story -.-

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity

So i guess in the new pony in town.... Nice to meet yall. I have 3 main things to announce:

1, YES honest to whatever-god-you-please i do talk/speak/soundlike/dress-like AppleJack, not my fault, dont blame me.

2, I am more intrested in RP than anything. Im bored and have 2 untrained fillies i need to make character-development for.

3, [i leave this spot availible for any rules that will change depending on how this comunity responds to a thermo-nuclear bomb of ME dropped smack dap in the middle of it]

Edited by MyLittlePonyTales
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Welcome to Canterlot! The awesome site for awesome pony's! Suicidal thoughts, eh? I have a friend like that. Not much fun. But you like Rarity, so you must be the best pony :wail::scream:

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Welcome to Canterlot!

I hope you enjoy your stay here and I can't wait to see you in the RP area!

Also: Love your avatar, it is simply divine darling. </rarity>

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