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About Myself: I'm young, friendly, open-minded enough to call myself open-minded and really like my little ponies.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Watched it. Had some friends who were watching it back in Season 1 and told me about it, but I didn't actually watch it myself until Season 2 when I had some time on my hands.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I believe they are in order. Let me start by saying it is my very great pleasure to be here, surrounded by lots of nice ponies. Can't say I've made a lot of friends who also enjoy My Little Pony in my university (yet) or my fambly (yet), so its nice to be among the herd. Im not that great at boards due to previous experience, but im working to get better.

About myself! Sooo... I can't say I've got a favorite pony of the Mane Six. You don't simply -pick- a favorite pony, no more than you pick a favorite character in any good series that you enjoy. If I was forced to whittle it down, however, it would definitely have to be between Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Hardworking and reliable, while maybe not something I can relate to, is highly respectable and admirable in anypony. Pinky Pie is fun and energetic - Again, not relateable, but she's the kind of friend you just know can pull you out of your worst times with all their heart.

I'm sort of new to this whole franchise - Only picking up interest in the show in late March of this year (2012) in an attempt to finally get a grasp on meme's - But I had a group of friends in High School who were fans back in Season 1 and let me know well enough about it. One said friend even invented a MLP tabletop game that he and the other Bronies played at lunch based of the DnD d20 system. I should see if he still has that somewhere...

but I digress. I'm glad to be here, and I do hope I get to know a good lot of you and we can all have a good time together ^^

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Well I'll be the first to tell you that I myself play DnD a whole bunch, and I also play some more simple D20 games.

Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy your stay here and I can't wait to see you active and in the RP area!

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Always nice to hear back! Especially in such a quick manner - Looks like you lot are active. Should be... Nice. Interesting.

I will try to ask my friend about that old tabletop. He might even try and start it up again with the Summer coming up, who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky :3

I do so look forward to Rping, it's one of my favorite creative mediums and so much fun. I look forward to seeing you all there! Or... Some of you. Most of you? I'll learn soon enough.

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Lets see if I can reply to every post individually with my home made brand of not-so-funny humor (see: this sentence)

Armony, thank you for the welcome! I do intend to enjoy my stay, and I think it would be difficult to have my stay in any other fashion.

Winter, thank you for the welcome! That friend should be returning to my patch of earth sometime in... Juuuly, so I'll try to see if he still has it and would be happy to share with you, So long as you can fit it in your schedule - I understand you only get out three months before we need to wrap you up.

MyLittlePonyTails, Hi! Thank you for the welcome! You didn't say much, but that just makes you mysterious and intriguing... A pony of few words. I'll keep my eye on you.

AlisonRose, thank you for the welcome! And you were the first to tell me, so far as I can see. I've done plenty of d20'sin my short foray into tabletops - DnD, Exalted, Firefly, Mutants and Masterminds, Deadlands is a personal favorite - So I get the feeling we'll get along just fine.

SilverSwirl, thank you for the welcome! I plan on having a positively excellent stay, but only because you asked so nicely :3

Conor Colton, thank you for the welcome! Believe you me, the Rp forums are where most my time will be wasteeeewell spent, its a personal favorite passtime.

Opal, thank you for the welcome and I just have to say, you are the first person in a long time to recognize this old screen name as a nod to the song so -awesome- to you, my good sir or madam, your taste in music is impeccable.

Shadowrunner, thank you for the welcome! I hope I like it here too. But, from what I've seen so far, I don't think hope is a real necessity! (And I mean that in a good way)

FlimFlam, thank you for the welcome! I do so plan to enjoy my stay. Oh, your challenge is accepted. TO THE EVERFREE!

SPECTERCALL, thank you for the welcome... But no I can only imagine you in a british voice, saying things like 'Splendid', 'Marvelous' 'Jolly good', and 'Marmalade' with a top hat and monocle and... Drinking tea with your pinky out. Its amazing.

Rosewind, thank you for the welcome! And ISNT HE JUST? Braburn - Only one episode of screentime... I guess he's chilling backstage with Luna, just biding his time. Waiting for the perfect moment.

And last, but by no accounts least,

Shadowshy, thank you for the welcome! Its very nice to meet you too. I can't help but notice that you're new here, and so am I, so we can be new together! It'll be cool, I promise ^^

...And now that that little touch of OCD is served, apologies for the long post.

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