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Names IMR1fley


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About Myself: I'm a Texan in all but blood, I love to shoot guns, blow stuff up, and hoot and holler. I also have some extra interests. I'm a massive video gamer, musician, and artist. (3D, flash and Photoshop.) I also like Japanese fighting techniques, primarily Kendo and Ninjutsu.

How I found Canterlot.com: I just came across it really.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Believe it or don't, I actually used to be very anti-pony. I first heard of it from the Rooster Teeth Podcast, when one of the members explains he was a Brony. everyone else on the podcast jumped on him, and I sided with them as well. I thought the idea of a grown man watching a "Little girls show," was disgraceful. However, I have always had a personal policy that I never judge anything until I've tried/experienced it at least once. Not to mention the fact that I live in a family of 10, 6 of which are girls, two of them in the toddler stage, and I'm the oldest, so when both the oldest sister and the youngest twins got into MLP:FIM, I took it as an opportunity to actually try it. I immediately got hooked, and now I'm a Brony.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
That's really all I can think of. The first few boxes explain it all, aside form the fact that I like emoticons! :-o

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