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Mafia Round 1: Game Thread

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No, being behind bars would be a bit of a deterrent for monsters when there is healthy and more easily accesible prey readily avaliable.

I also noticed how you ignored what I said about you while trying to talk my reputation down. That is very suspicious.

Also sarcasm FTW.

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No, being behind bars would be a bit of a deterrent for monsters when there is healthy and more easily accesible prey readily avaliable.

I also noticed how you ignored what I said about you while trying to talk my reputation down. That is very suspicious.

Also sarcasm FTW.

yes, sarcasm FTW

But anyway, Reason why i'm ignoring what you said about me? cause you changed from a panicking mess to someone blaming me for something i didn't do! If your going to attempt to blame me, then get some evidence first! also, your ignoring the fact i called you out on saying you don't trust yourself, which is also very suspicious

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that's still a horrible, horrible alibi. and he seem innocent? we all are acting innocent! also, going back to day one, you called him out for seemingly not caring derpy was kidnapped, yet now you call him innocent! and your calling me out for lack of common sense!

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You know what? I agree with SilverThorn. We are gaining nothing with this argument. But, for the sake of my own innocence, I will explain:

I, like you, jumped on him at first for ignoring Derpy in the chaos, but now the chaos has passed, and no one that suspected him is gone, that is the first reason I dropped my suspicions.

The second reason is that my gut says he is innocent, and, like I said before, I trust my gut.

You, on the other hand, have been attacking me nonstop in an effort to declare someone innocent guilty. You have yet to target anyone else since we started arguing, and I gave you a reason to suspect others. Ignoring that is very suspicious. I have systematically targeted those I have deemed most suspicious, and I have defended myself from your attacks. I am 90% certain that one or two of my five suspects are guilty. Prove to me that you are not meant to be on this list.

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that's still a horrible, horrible alibi. and he seem innocent? we all are acting innocent! also, going back to day one, you called him out for seemingly not caring derpy was kidnapped, yet now you call him innocent! and your calling me out for lack of common sense!

I did care that Derpy was kidnapped. I just hardly knew her. I felt a lot more strongly about Conor disappearing.

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Well there certainly is the start of some evidence forming here, but its just too early to tell. I can't think of anything that would make my guess more then a swing in the dark.

No vote.

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A postal worker brings a handwritten note to to Tyler with the instruction to open it and read it immediately...

Dear fellow townsfolk,

I plan on being inside my home, barricaded, for quite a while. I'm trying to devise a way to separate the real ponies from the changelings... Until then, I will continue to vote for myself



Vote: SilverSwirl

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Here's what I've figured so far to be suspects:

SilverThorn. He's been acting strange the whole time, almost being over dramatic.

Star1228. He's been throwing seemingly random accusations around the whole time.

SilverSwirl. I don't even.... Honestly trying to prove himself? Trying to throw us off? Messing with us and could be wither side?

Sparkleheart. Conor was accusing them, and then disappeared. Has been acting strangely this whole time, too.

I don't think any of this is enough to be certain, but I think we need to do something before more ponies go missing.

Vote: SilverThorn

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