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We has a shortage of bronies. ;w;


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I mean, seriously.

I hate Ireland.

Not trying to sound horrible and vain, but I'm quite friendly with a lot of people in my school, and not one of them likes (even a tiny bit!) ponies. Unless of course they're closet bronies..

Although, I'm open about my brony-ism and I'm just so alone D: I have nobody to talk to about my brony lifestyle.

We also lack pony merch. Or at least where I live..

Any other irish bronies here?.. It would be nice to know that I'm not alone on this XD

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For a second there, I was a tad offended.

But as I've read on, I can see the problem...

And I can empathise...Sweet Celestia can I empathise...

Well...I'm Irish...and you are not alone on this one! :D

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im not sure about the area were i live too dude, so far ive come across no one and its made me really sadface :(

im from Kent, Medway area, England..and so far to no prevail i have found no bronies from these ends

i feel your pain to dude

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I thought the same thing for ages...

No literally, ever since I got here :lol:

And I still haven't met another Irish brony in person...though I have heard of them...like some great myth like the banshee or something :P

But you are right...there aren't enough Irish bronies! :scream:

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Understand how you feel. I live in the suburbs in my area and I think I'm the only brony here. All the other bronies are in the main city. I usually have to travel 2 hours to get there so I could just hang out with them. :scream:

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I feel for you Irish (Scottish, Brittish) bronies. At my school we have a huge population (by most standards, most of them are freshmen, however (almost 1/2)), so quite a few of us are bronies (most of us hide it, but a loud brony will make us less quiet), at work there are no bronies, however, and only two people (other than myself) even know what a brony is.

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^not everypony can go around just approving of things...you must be Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris approves of using EqD as a means of communication. one could defend that that is manipulating EqD for ones own purposes. Chuck Norris approves of manipulating for ones on purposes. converting somepony to bronyism for your own social happiness is manipulating them and the awesomeness of MLP for your own purposes. Chuck Norris approves of...the previous statement. if Chuck Norris approves of it, nothing can go wrong. moral of story: If you make your own Irish bronies, you will succeed. after making Ireland 100% brony, it will be declared the pony capital of the world and you will never need to worry about a shortage of pony merch EVER AGAIN.

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