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Ocean Eyes [Final]


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Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Name: Ocean Eyes

Gender: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Coat Color: Dark Blue with Light blue spots

Mane/Tail Color & Style: Her mane and tail are dark blue. Both are styles as dreadlocks because it's easier to take care of.

Eye Color: Light Blue. Her Pupil is also a light blue color too.

Cutie Mark: An outline of an eye with a Wave in the background

Physique: Ocean is very slender and average height but she had a decent amount of muscle. She spends most of her days swimming which keeps her skinny.

Origin: Gallopocus Islands but travels all over the coast to make sure the ocean habitats are in good shape.

Occupation: Marine life caretaker

Motivation: Ocean has always wanted to take care of the coast of Equestria. When she grew up on the Gallopocus islands, she saw many people littering and that would hurt the marine and plant life near by so she has always wanted to save the waters.

Likes: Water, Fish, Marine life, Swimming, Laying on the beach, playing on the beaches

Dislikes: Flying, being too far from the water, littering, pollution

Character Summary:

Ocean Eye's Parent's are both unicorns. Her father, Onyx Hoof, comes from a distant line of island ponies who had different colored coats to blend into the water, forest or mountains. Her mother, Light Bright, was a the daughter of a candle make who lived on the island. Her father is a sculptor while her mother is a candle maker still. Before having Ocean Eyes, they had Forest Ranger a green unicorn with green spots who is Ocean's older brother. The two unicorns had debated, once Ocean was born, whether or not to call her Bright Eyes aince they were unusually bright. In the end, Forest Ranger came up with the name Ocean Eyes since her eyes were "ocean colored".

Ocean Eyes ever since she was a foal, loved the water. She would always beg her brother to being her to the beach to play. Ocean and her many friends would love to play at the beach and it became Forest's job to watch them.Most of the times the young ponies would play ball and when it wandered off, Forest had to go find it. Most of the time Forest was a good stallion about it. Ocean loved learning about the water so she was always reading about it in the library. Many of the fillies and colts who liked to fish, brought Ocean along so she could identify fish and help find good fishing spots. During her younger years, she was often found swimming in the ocean and trying to catch fish. Many times she would have swimming races with other ponies. As a filly she could beat almost any younger pony, as she grew up, most of her earth pony pals started to beat her. She also would try to hide in the water and scare passing ponies. Since her coat is two different shades of blue, in the right light, it makes it easy for her to hide from others and scare them.

One day while Ocean was on the beach, she had noticed something strange about the beach itself. After studying everything she could about the beach and being at the beach daily, she was able to spot weather patters, fish migration patterns, she could identify wildlife too. The beach smelled very strange that day and their were many fish that had washed up on the shore. After a few days the other island inhabitants noticed this. Within a few days, hundreds of fish had been washing up on the shores. Most ponies started throwing the fish away and thought there was a just a huge storm out at sea, but when the fish kept showing up after a week, they realized otherwise. Ocean examined these dead fish she noticed that they had started eating trash which killed them. It turned out that there were some cruises where rich ponies from Manehattan, Canterlot and the other big cities had come to her island and were throwing their trash in the water. The fish started eating all of their trash and Ocean realized it was killing the fish. She quickly organized some of her fisherpony friends and all of the their ponies in her school at the time to go around the beach and pick up the trash. After getting the trash picked up, Ocean realized that she could see when something was wrong with the water and that it would be her job someday to protect the water and marine life. That was the day she got her cutie mark. The wave symbolizes that she was good at the water and the eye shows that she can spot details and problems having to do with the water.

Ocean has been a prankster since she was little. Sometimes she tends to go overboard though. She also is not very good with magic. The only kind of magic Ocean can do is anything relating to nature but this isn't even good. Most of the time, Ocean acts like an earth pony with a weird growth on her head. She isn't as strong as a normal earth pony, but she comes rather close. Ocean can get caught up in her work so Forest is usually forced to go find her. Since Ocean and Forest have never been separated since her birth, she is also a bit dependent of her big brother. Most of the times she can be seen pestering Forest for things which makes ponies believe she is still a filly.

Since Ocean was a filly, she's been a silly little thing. The unicorn never took anything seriously with the exception of the ocean and the beaches. The pony loved jokes and playing pranks on every pony. Because of her silliness, many ponies thought her cutie mark would have something to do with pranks. Other than her pranks, Ocean is one of the most friendly ponies on the islands. She also likes talking to everypony. She loves to help everypony even if she might not be as strong as some ponies. Most of the time she might be working, but she will always find time to help anypony in need.


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