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Pinoak [Final]


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Roleplay Type:

World of Equstria


Pinoak Strunghoof







Eye Color:

Deep blue

Coat Color:

Dijon Mustard Yellow

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:

His mane is a dark, chocolate brown, and is unkept and messy. The same goes with his tail.


He is a tall, lean pony, with longer legs than most.

Cutie Mark:

A marionette of a dragon with a book behind it.


Was born in Phillydelphia, but always is on the road in her traveling show wagon.




He loves to travel around from town to town, collecting and sharing stories and tales with the residents. He tells the stories through a puppet show. His love of finding a good story is what drives him.

Likes: (optional)

Marionettes, any type of puppet, folktales, history, cheesecake, traveling, and technology.

Dislikes: (optional)

Bad sports, broken wagons, people touching his puppets.

Character Summary:

Pinoak was born in Phillydelphia into a family of traveling storytellers. As a young colt, he was taught by his parents to puppeteer and tell stories as they went from town to town, transforming the stories into puppet productions. He got his cutie mark when he put on his first solo performance in Ponyville. He was telling the tale of the great sun dragon for all of the young fillies and colts down at the school. Throughout the show, he felt something clicking inside of him, like this was what he was supposed to do. When the climax of the story came, where the dragon flew up into the sky and curled up into a ball of fire, it finally clicked in him, and his cutie mark appeared, but never noticed because he had invested himself into the show, he was the story. After the performance, his parents pointed out that he had gotten his cutie mark of the book and dragon marionette. After few more years of traveling, his parents gave him the wagon and went to retire in Canterlot. They charged him with the duty of Storyteller, and to continue to do what he has done all of his life. Telling, and gathering stories.

His large wagon is his home, stage, and workshop. It is very ornate, with painted carvings from all of the areas it had visited. Poking out of the top of the wagon are two fans that help power the cart. Originally, his father pulled the cart, but now Pinoak had converted the cart into a wind powered car using some of the clockwork techniques he learned from his mother, who built advanced puppets with clockworks. To drive it, there is a little seat on the front of the wagon that has a steering wheel that steers the wagon.

The stage pops out by two feet off the side of the wagon. The stage has the ornate carvings like the rest of the wagon. It has a pair of red, velvet curtains and the back drop is always changing to match the story being told.

His bedroom and workshop are one and the same. On one side, there is a workshop table, and off in the corner is his bed. And covering the entire room are puppets and puppet parts.

For the performances, he uses his magic to manipulate the puppets and to manipulate their voices to perform the given story.

Now he is traveling all of Equstria collecting stories. Traveling anywhere from Stalliongrad to Manehattan, Chicaghoof, and other cities and towns throughout Equestria.

For his personality, he is an easy going guy. He loves talking to everyone, as to hearing new tales. When he gets excited, he starts talking louder and faster. He foes his best to get along with ponies and when there is a conflict, he always tries to talk it through. And he loves puns to no end. Anything that "mare or mare not" work pun-wise, he'll still go for it.

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Firstly, if you could remove the indent on the bolded fields I would appreciate it. Made it a bit of a hassle to read at first :)

The only thing that sticks out to me is that it seems just slightly incomplete. What exactly got him into puppeteering? What did he do best during the storytelling in Ponyville that defined his performance and who did he perform for, per se?

This seems like a good application so far, though remember that the applications is where you have the chance to tell everyone as much about your character as you wish! Really sell your character and make them stick out! :D

Edited by Imagination
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