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Coming Out Of My Shell: Get To Know Me, FiMFan806!


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About Myself: So much to tell about me... Let's start with my rough location. I'm a southern girl raised in the north, where beaches graced the land hither and yonder. And yes, I have a northern accent. 

For some of my favorites, my favorite color is anything neon or pastel, I love antique and vintage items, and I can't get enough of dubstep and techno music. I also love classical music, and have a bit of a cooking skill.

Also, I like- no, love, no- ADORE memes, rage faces, rage comics, and lolcats.

Heads up: I'm really, really, REALLY random and I tend to say nonsensical things like blue burrito sauce and freckle flavored pie. XD

As my final two hobbies, I love technology (mainly Apple products, RIP Steve Jobs) and I LOVE Simming! The Sims 3 is the most epic video game I have ever played. Go play the online demo, I promise you will not be disappointed.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was just perusing the interwebz for FiM related sites and shazaam! This site appeared as fast as lightning!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My near-sister BFF freed from the dark clutches of Pony-Haters and welcomed me ever so kindly into the herd. Thx, Whitney!

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Urm, I have NO idea what to type here, so... French Fries.

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I'm a southerner and Texas can bite me, I want the cold and the rain -.-

Welcome! <3 Also, if you like the Sims I feel it is my duty as a gamer to link this to you.


I wonder what look I'd get from Gamer Luna for playing this way, since this is pretty much what happens to all my Sims.

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