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Extravagant don't be so rediculous, every one knows that the illuminati is just a cover for the Patriots trying to manipulate us all via nano machines and to start wars with Metal Gears... Silly

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*clears throat*

"Before Father's time, before our brother; Solidus; The three great powers made a pact that lasted throughout the two world wars. They're pact created a group known as the Philosophers. But factions within the Philosophers became greedy, and began hunting after there accumulated wealth: The Philosopher's Legacy. This would be the foreground for Zero's Patriots.... Nine years ago I attempted to free us from FOXDIE as well as Sons of the Patriots: the ultimate method to have us be controlled by the Patriot's soldiers."

Good Sir, I do believe I just Both out nerded, and conspiracied you. Good day!

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Was my only thought with Thyme's stuttering in the RP, and Snowy's response remind me a little bit of Lassie?

*What's that Thyme? Timmy's Stuck in the Well!?"

But Maybe...It's Kitten Cyborgs from sent from the past of another Universe, wherein the world was destroyed at the hands of the ever growing literal tentacles of 4chan, so the Kitten Cyborgs travelled to the past of that universe to get them built early, so that they could get time travel sooner, and realized 4chan could not be defeated simply through time loops.

It seems as if they needed to come to a safe world and gather vast sums of Twinkies, FYE Gift cards, and MacGuyver DVDs. Also a 6 pack of beer, and gather the resources to forever lock their 4chan into a state of comatose laziness.

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Sufferin' succotash! What's wrong with you ponies? Obviously, all the internet trolls made a pact with Darth Vadar to repair the Death Star in agreement to take down random sites in order to raise Galileo from the dead so that he can make a hot tub time machine, and then have rainbow kittens to fly into space to knock out all the satelites out of the planet's orbit; thus causing an internet apocolypse. Duh.

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The Time Stallions,are trying to brainwash all of us into being their subserviant servants, at which point they will harvest our bodys and turn us into milk, which they will in turn drink, and we will become one with the Time Stallions.


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I'm surrounded my morons..........

OKAY. In the beginning, The Shamans and the politicians made a pact that the shamans would curse the planet so all the Twinkles and glasses of milk would disappear in 2012, explaining the Mayan Calendar. Unfortunately, Timothy the Space Ninja was able to stop their evil plan through a terribly cliche quest.But that is a story for another day.

Then the Politicians, in their rage, sent out a death beam at the sun causing it to get really angry and send down it's burning wrath upon us.

So now the forces of darkness are preparing for war....

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But, you guys are missing one vital piece of the puzzle. Us. You see, MLP: FiM is actually government sanctioned. The government LET it be good. And they are training us to be the next generation of american soldiers. Not killing them with kindness, no. We will be armed with party cannons, magic, and flying. Like Fluttershy, we will fight with weaponized cuteness. WE are a part of the conspiracy.

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We all know that Snowy is a mole man's pet cat, that was planning on seducing the president, so we should know that she is just tricking us by giving false accusations to what the 'true conspiracy' is.

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Well, that would be true if Thyme obviously wasn't an animatronic bear escaped from the amusement park that was programmed by robot space invaders that want to steal our secret reserve if pudding.

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