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A wild Rhyphte appeared!


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I'm joining this site because I love role playing, and I'm quite fond of mature communities with which I can share an interest. Oh, and I love MLP. :3 Dunno if I've mentioned that. Knowing me, I probably just rambled on about something or another.

Edited by Rhyphte
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I saw jumping off of buildings and at that moment I saw a spark of friendship between the two of us. PM me sometime we can have an awesome chat about building jumping.

I hope you absolutely love Canterlot, and I can't wait to RP with you sometime. :D

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I could certainly help with photography, if you need it. ;) Also, by jumping off of buildings do you mean free running, or base jumping. Both are really, really cool.

Welcome to the site, and enjoy your stay.

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Welcome my friend! Judging by your{fan-bloody-tastic} introduction, I can see we will get along just fine!

I hope you enjoy your stay and have some fantastic RPs!

{I am sorry you are unrightly abused for your beliefs, you won't find any of that here though!}

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Well you see Swirly...Parkour is quite enjoyable once you get into it. Even an amateur like myself can get into it, and look cool doing so. As long as you have just enough guts to try some of it. You'll be fine :D

Oh no, don't misunderstand. I already do Parkour, but I'm still weary of doing crazy jumps though. I'm warming up to it though. Perhaps if I regain some of my guts from my youth :P

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Oh no, don't misunderstand. I already do Parkour, but I'm still weary of doing crazy jumps though. I'm warming up to it though. Perhaps if I regain some of my guts from my youth :P

Ah, I see then. I suppose i'm lucky to be in my youth. With all of my youthful guts.

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You guys are awesome. Can forums actually be.... WELCOMING? I mean, I come back a day later and not only have I not been smashed to bits, people are actually answering questions I had.

This is new to me. I think I'm going to like it here.

Ah, I see then. I suppose i'm lucky to be in my youth. With all of my youthful guts.

Yeah, I've got a love-hate thing going on with parkour. I'm not so good at groundwork, but I can climb like a twelve armed monkey. Also, base jumping is incredible, but when you and your friends have a ghetto bungie ensemble you can rig to buildings, it's hard to have fun doing anything less.

SOOOOOOO worth the $680.

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You guys are awesome. Can forums actually be.... WELCOMING? I mean, I come back a day later and not only have I not been smashed to bits, people are actually answering questions I had.

This is new to me. I think I'm going to like it here.

Yeah, I've got a love-hate thing going on with parkour. I'm not so good at groundwork, but I can climb like a twelve armed monkey. Also, base jumping is incredible, but when you and your friends have a ghetto bungie ensemble you can rig to buildings, it's hard to have fun doing anything less.

SOOOOOOO worth the $680.

This community wins at everything. Besides... how can we NOT be welcoming when the show did this:

I just noticed that NO ONE posted that. Well thankfully I have remedied the situation!

Also... the words "ghetto" and "bungee" with "buildings" frightens me. Just that combination of words for some reason makes me think about bad things...I'm sure it is fun regardless! I'm pretty sure that is illegal in my city though, so as much fun as it would be to do it off of a building here, I'm almost certain to be arrested. :( Perhaps one day...

I'm actually pretty decent at ground work, wall runs and vaulting. I can do basic jump rolls, but I'm terrified doing large distances, even though I used to do it ALL the time when I was younger. I am merely decent at climbing though (well compared to some friends, who make me look slow...)

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Joining new communities is always hard, but I'm starting to feel like I'm in over my head. I puzzle through the rules again and again, and yet I still can't figure a lot of things out. I'm trying my best not to inconvenience anypony with my ignorance, but it feels like I'm going to have to reach out for help or I'll be sinking fast.

Initially, I couldn't even bring myself to revisit this page. I mean, I come from a particularly elitism forum, and you can literally sit and watch newcomers getting slammed left and right. Imagine my shock when... well... this! Welcomes! Friendly people! I don't know; I just don't know. Thank you all so much. Really.

I don't want to necrobump my introduction thread or anything, but even after careful scrutinization of the rules, I can't make head or tail of the chat setup or even the roleplay system. As long as I'm at it, the profile setup and all these FiM emoticons are confusing me as well. Maybe I'm reading the wrong threads; maybe I'm just an idiot. :P

Do you think that maybe you could give me a kickstart? Perhaps you could throw me some links or something?

EDIT: I think I just figured out the pony emoticons, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HAHA! I read ALL of your introduction rhyphte! now you must read mine! >: D

And isn't it awesome? No one here as inflicted emotional pain ^^ It's such a freindly community compaired to others. no bashing, thread removing, or infractions for asking questions.... it's amazing :kissy:

(oh, and sorry. Is this considered bumping? I don't mean it Dx)

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