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Show us your room!

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This thread was on another My Little Pony forum, but basically everyone posted pictures/videos showing their room and the stuff in it ^^ Thought we could give it a go...

I've tidied up a lot since then :3

This is Me and Laydee Kaze ~

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  • 2 weeks later...

aw, I was hoping this topic would catch on D: I was too busy with school and exams and stuff before, but I was hoping in the mean time other people would post. I guess 'cause it's in spam stables and nobody goes here. maybe if it was moved to chit chat like the brony behind the computer topic...


time for Angie's room :^D

here is my door. that drawing is something my dad drew for a me a few years ago while I was on vacation. it used to have a drawing I did that I really loved, but I never told him that I was mad at him for erasing it ;P

also, that piece of paper is my summer art to-do list.


and here's my room :^D as you can see, there is both a furnace and a fan as my room has zero protection from the outside weather aside from a very thin wall :3


here's my dresser thing by my bed. all my favourite plushies on it


and all my pony stuff on my other dresser :3


and some bags on the floor from last Christmas


my 3DS, RD bag from we love fine, some books, some paints and some canvases


my bed and my cat


my desk were I keep all the knick-knacks I get as gifts


my bulletin board that hasn't been updated in years


my rug that I love very very much :3


the top two shelves of my manga collection


the bottom shelf of my manga collection, my empty candy/chocolate jars and my pokemon strategy guides


and finally, my closet, filled with a dresser, my craft stuff, two of my sweaters, about 50 of my 100 plushie cats and a whole bunch of dad's Hawaiian shirts that don't fit in his closet because it's already full of Hawaiian shirts.


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I share the room with my younger brother, but about 95% of the HotWheels cars you see on the walls are mine. As well as the turntable, and bottles.




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I guess there's no harm in showing my room...

You sure you wanna see it?

You shouldn't really.... it could damage your optic nerves....

If you insist on being determined to see this, you'll just be wasting your time!

Ha! I told you it was a waste of time! TROLOLOL!!! Click on the second spoiler.

Ha! If you were browsing through the first spoiler FIRST, then you're trolled-approved. You should be proud of it! :D


WIP on my hand written story. Spoiled the story too... Oh, well you look at that. It's my MP3!


Hiking boots, practice sticks, and a nicely crafted sword made out of ply wood, and a custom shield... oh, and a box of 1000 puzzle pieces, too! And some transparent duct tape as well...


See anything interesting rather than the Hot Wheels, guys? I'll give you a hint: Look at the right side.


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