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Greetings Everypony


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About Myself: Hello there everypony. I'm an Englishman, so I'll be writing in the Queen's English. Not much to me. I'm a big fan of video games, and a mediocre fanfic writer specialising in crossovers. Written a few stories over on Fimfiction, although I doubt any of you have seen them. Same user name over there. Currently based on my Xbox 360 with a gold account if anypony enjoys a good game of something. I do PC game too, but I have an aversion to Steam. Most of my games were designed with XP in mind, so Steam isn't an issue for me. I'm not a Microsoft fanboy, so you can rest easy PlayStation users. No worry of us getting into some pointless fight.

Hoping to get into pony roleplay. Apparently this is a good site for that. I do have some degree of literacy thanks to my stint as a fanfic writer, but I couldn't draw if Discord himself threatened me too. I've also never actually participated in a roleplay before, so I hope that isn't too much of an issue, and that you've got some patience for a "noob" like me. Looking forward to meeting some new friendly faces, and getting stuck in on some roleplay topics.

How I found Canterlot.com: I literally googled pony roleplay and this came up as the top site

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: How I got into Ponies? Well, rewind to August 2011 and my only passion was video games. I followed a popular blog on the Gawker Network known as Kotaku. It wasn't long after the abysmal redesign that made the website a living hell to navigate, I'm sure any old Kotaku fans know what I mean. Anyway, I clicked on some article about this odd sounding indie game, can't remember which, and found a full blown flame war in the comments. This group of men were defending what I could only interpret as pastel plastic ponies.

Now I still watch a lot of cartoons: Adventure Time, Regular Show, Spongebob Squarepants, and, of course, MLP currently. Anyway, I was a fan of Powerpuff Girls, and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, even Kids Next Door, so when I heard the argument about Faust working on all those shows, I naturally had to investigate. I have two younger sisters, so I've been exposed to a lot of girly stuff. I've sat through episodes of Strawberry Shortcake and Winx Club with nary a problem. This meant I managed to sit through the intro of MLP:FIM first time around, a feat which I'm still proud of. Anyway, long story short I watched the first episode, then nine more. Then over the next two days I finished the series. After rewatching a few of my favourites, I discovered EQD and it went from there.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
Favourite Mane Six pony is Rarity. Fluttershy's cuteness originally gripped me, but I'm a sucker for melodrama, and Rarity sure does deliver it in spades. The way she overreacts to everything is what makes her so likeable in my book, even though that's the reason she caught a lot of flak in season one.

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Welcome to Canterlot! Isn't much to you, eh? Seems like a lot just right there! :P You sound like a fun person. The Roleplay here is great and people are nice, so I'm sure you'll have a great time there! Isn't Rarity a funny pony? Ah, the drama... Anyways, have fun here ;)

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Thanks for the warm welcome, Winter. Heh. Writing paragraphs may not have been the best choice. It appears I have just borked the whole format thing. Meh, it was confusing any way. I have a tendency to write a lot about absolutely nothing. I can be quite a long-winded person.

Aha! Excellent, Walker! Other people do hate Steam. A long time ago there was a legion of us, now I think everypony actually uses it. Even I have been forced to for Dawn of War 2 and Empire: Total War. It really grinds my gears.

Thanks, shyshy. It's always good to let people know. I don't want anypony complaining that I'm misspelling enamoured again. Sometimes it can be silly though.

Pro tip to anypony else who tries this: do not click on preview post as it deletes everything in the introduction fields. Found that out the hard way/

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:-| Umm... should I be worried? Nah. Nice to meet you too. :D Kinda serves me right for having a ridiculous username. (The secret is that it is maniac spelt wrongly and backwards.) Right. Cane at your service. :)

Yay! ponies like my nicknames :kissy: seriously I give EVERYONE nicknames if they dont already have one. :D

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Welcome to canter lot bro. Wait, am I established enough on the forums to be welcoming people? If you like to learn and find yourself a tad bored, come on over to my insect thread. I'm always posting about interesting bugs. Wait, is it bad taste to advertise my thread to newcomers? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

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Gee whiz, you fellas sure know how to make a guy feel welcome. Blue Mage eh? Is that anything to do with Final Fantasy? Or am I over thinking things again?

Nice to meet you too, My Little Pony Tales.

I like the way the show portrays Spike and Rarity's relationship. The doting way that Spike helps her in any capacity he probably can, while Rarity is seemingly oblivious to his affections. Of course, the events of Secret of my Excess suggested that Rarity knows. The fact as I see it is that she cannot reciprocate his feelings for her completely due to the species and age differences, but she doesn't want to break him down. It's an interesting dynamic. Although I think if another stallion were to come along then Rarity would inevitably "break up" with Spike. Anyways, thankies for the welcome, Ms. Rosewind.

Hello to you too, Stonetribe. I'll be sure to check out your insect thread at some point although I'm a tad busy now. Insects can be pretty cool. I remember doing a presentation once on Assassin Bugs, they're pretty rad. I enjoy watching nature shows, but I'm not a fan of bugs in real life. It's one thing to read about them, but quite another to have them crawling all over you. Eugh.

It's a good nickname that'll save a lot of unnecessary typing. Many thanks, Crescent Blaze. Besides it rhymes with many things, like bane or plane. Good nicknames have to rhyme.

That is my intention, Shadowrunner. Thanks for the welcome.

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Umm... Shyshy? You appear to have welcomed me twice. Well, now I feel twice as welcome.

That's the plan, Armony. Thanks for the welcome. Maybe I should have had an OC in mind first. I'm currently toying around with the submission form.

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