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Mafia Round Two: Game Thread

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***All roles were randomly selected***

Google docs link for player votes.


- Voting will be based on a majority system. A player must receive over 50% of the votes in order to be arrested and placed in jail (ie: with 10 votes, at least 6 are needed for an arrest). Any non votes are excluded from the total (ie: with 9 players, 2 who have not voted, 4 votes are needed for an arrest, out of 7 total votes). You are allowed to vote No Arrest if you do not wish to arrest any player; this does count towards the vote total.

- A 24 hour time limit will be set if at least 50% of the players vote for one, effective immediately after the necessary votes have been cast.

- When voting, please do the following.

To vote, please begin a new line and bold the text. Type vote, followed by the player you are voting for. Ex:

Vote: Player_Name

To change your vote, please unvote first, then cast a new vote. Ex:

Unvote: Player_1

Vote: Player_2

This is just to make things easier for me.

- Do NOT post anything from your role PM. You are allowed to roleclaim, but do not copy/paste anything from your role PM.

- Do NOT talk about the game outside of this thread, unless your role specifies otherwise (ie: Changelings).

- Do NOT post in this thread once the Night phase begins. You may resume posting after the next Day phase begins.

- Do NOT post in this thread if you have been arrested or captured (removed from the game) until after the game has ended.

- Do NOT edit your posts. You may edit by way of post (EBWOP), by posting after the post you wish to edit and making any changes. You may not click on the edit button to change anything in a post you have already made.

- Please send me a message or post in the thread if you have any questions.

- Have fun! Remember, it's a game. Just try your best, be active, and have a great time!


Roles of arrested/captured players will be revealed at the start of each day.

The Night phase only begins after an arrest (or decision to not arrest).

You have 24 hours to send in any Night actions. After 24 hours, they will be randomly decided for you.

Players may only discuss the game in this thread during the Day phase. Roles that specify otherwise, such as Changelings, may only discuss the game outside of this thread during the Night phase.

This is a model for the vanilla townie PM (quoting PMs is still not allowed for anyone; this is just a precaution):

Vanilla Townie

Welcome, [Player]! You are just an average pony joe enjoying the peaceful and luxurious city of Cloudsdale and all seems well. However, there have been nasty rumors of a Changeling activity in the nearby settlement of Ponyville and you are left to wonder if Cloudsdale will be next.


- You may vote during each Day Phase. Your vote is worth one count towards the total.


- You win when all Changelings have been arrested and put in jail.

I will start sending out role PMs now. Please do not post in this thread until I post "Day 1 start."


Also, to keep everybody up to date, four new roles are being introduced into this game:

Tracker: Can "track" one player at night. The mod will reply with who that player targeted, if anyone.

Godfather: Returns an innocent scan for an investigation regardless of alignment.

Jailkeeper: Can "kidnap" one player at night. That player is immune to all night actions, but also cannot perform any night actions.

Governor: Can stop a lynch by PMing a mod privately during the day, before the day ends (Can be only used once)

That's all for now, and best of luck to you all! :D

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*A few hours ago in Cloudsdale*

As the captured ponies hung around, the door opened and five ponies walked in. Two were Changelings, but the other three were easily recognizable. Conor, Derpy, and Twilight walked in after the Changelings, grim looks on their faces.

The changeling with a lighter black coat stepped up. "Keh heh heh, taking over Ponyville was too easy," she bragged.

After stretching a bit, she flew over to the fridge to see what was in there. She spotted an orange and grabbed it. With her magic, she peeled it and sighed contentedly as she bit into the juicy fruit.

One of the captured townsponies looked wary. "Why are we having changelings here?!"

The changeling spoke up. "I'm Changeling 42, or betterly know as DarkAura, and my changeling friend and I were brought here because Mistress Chrysalis thinks other changelings could do a better job than we could. She thinks that just because one of use was captured and we just barely won, we have to be banished." DarkAura scoffed. "The cow..." she whispered.

The townsponies stiffened. One shouted, "It's bad enough one changeling's staying, but we don't need those two!"

DarkAura rolled her eyes. "Oh relax, I mean you all no harm. The three of us were forced to capture you all by our Mistress. Now that were were, I guess fired, we don't want to hurt you at all."

She looked over at Diego Havoc. "Oh, Diego! Looks like you're having fun here, no?"

She flew to Tyler008bon. "You know Tyler, the only reason we captured you was because we thought you were the inspector, since you were so sure so and so was innocent."

Taking another bite of her orange, she flew up to SilverSwirl. "You know, Swirl, if I was a normal pony in this, I would have thought you were an alien. Kudos to you for sacrificing yourself for a chance for the town. I actually respect that."

She yawned, and noticed Derpy holding a muffin in her hoof. "Hey Derps, can I have the muffin?"

Derpy shook her head violently, and, to add insult to injury, she ate the muffin slowly, right in front of DarkAura.

DarkAura scoffed as she whispered, "And I thought changelings were inconsiderate..." to herself.

Twilight let out a frustrated squeak, and stepped in front of DarkAura. "Look, just stop it! Everypony, listen to me! I have a plan to get us out of here, but you all have to trust me! We have a friend waiting on the outside, and he'll know what to do with the changelings."

Everypony fell silent as Twilight spoke, and their faces lit up when they heard of her plan. Twilight smiled. "Okay, is everypony ready? One... Two... Now!"

(This opening provided by DarkAura :D For future notice, the characters that you will all be playing, are not characters from the first game...So feel free to use a new name for yourself or alias or just keep your name, either one's good. But remember that round 1 players and round 2 players aren't the same characters regarding the little story we have going here)



Day one will last 24 hours then the length of subsequent days will vary.

Enjoy the madness everybody! :D

Also: Diego has informed me that he may be unavailable from tomorrow until Tuesday due to Bronycon (Lucky :P) He's said there's a chance there might be wifi at the hotel and he might be here.

But anyway, have fun! :)

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(I think I can fit in a quick post before I vanish :P)

*is reading a newspaper with the headline "Changelings? In MY Cloudsdale? It's more likely than you think!"*

Oh geez. Changelings here? They screwed up Ponyville big time, and nearly got Canterlot too. *looks around* You don't think they're here now... do you? :unsure:

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(Flight was delayed, so one more post ;))

I'm pretty sure that Templar was just quoting Meet the Spy. Y'know, that movie with the unicorn in the balaclava? No reason to be worried, though perhaps we should try and avoid causing a panic, hm?

Still, if changelings are around, I guess we should be on the lookout for strange behavior. Anypony noticed somepony who is a little too obsessed with love?

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*pulls out an earbud when Templar points at him and says something he couldn't quite catch*

Huh? Changelings in Cloudsdale? You have gotta be kidding me! I was looking forward to listening to this soundtrack and relax but it looks like I'll have to put that on hold... I am not surprised that Ponyville fell and I feel somewhat responsible.

(if anyone cares, this is what was playing in his earbuds



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You're awfully fast to accuse...

I figure she was just using you as an example, Silver.

I figure that after we deal with our own changeling problem, well deal with taking back ponyville. I figure it would be a smart move to figure how many changelings we are dealing with, wouldn't it? With nine of us, it would make sense for there to be 3 changelings, so if we do exactly what ponyville did, aka wait for the last minute to start voting people off, we are going to get over ran by the days end. also, someone check my math, cause a mistake may just end up ruining us.

friends, neighbors, strangers, i think you all know what we have to do...

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We do need to start voting on arrests sooner rather than later, but I can't bring myself to vote for anypony quite yet. No one seems particularly untrustworthy yet, and if we automatically arrest an innocent townie, we're just doing the changelings' job for them.

I'm not going to want anyone arrested this time, but that doesn't mean I'm dragging my hooves on this. I suggest you all vote early and often if you want to win this.

Vote: No Arrest

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With 9 players, 5 is the majority.

No Arrest (2): featherquill, TemplarFrost

SilverSwirl (1): SilverSwirl


The sun sets on Cloudsdale, and everypony wonders...who will be first...

No arrests made!

Day 1 end!

Night 1 start!

Players, send in your night actions (If any) and do not post in the thread until I post "Day 2 Start"


Conor Colton, a survivor of the Changeling attack on Ponyville had now found himself in Cloudsdale, seeing it all unfold again. "The first night...Bad memories of the first night." Conor stated methodically as he walked through some dark and dank alleyways through Cloudsdale, trying to soak up as much information as he could. He stopped for a moment wondering what his apparent 'master' was up to.

A voice behind Conor whispered, "Bad memories? Why would you ever have bad memories of when you became my apprentice? It is a great honor, you know."

Conor jumped slightly as he realized who was talking to him, "Ugh, seriously, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't call me that anymore...You saved my life back in Ponyville but you don't need to give me a title...and bad memories of being taken by those...things..." He paused as he composed himself and continued. "Besides, apprentices are supposed to learn, what have you taught me?" He asked inquisitively.

"I never agreed to any such thing, apprentice. It would not be proper. And I did not force them to take you. I merely saved you. I should hope that would be a pleasant memory. You wound me by insisting otherwise." The mysterious pony contemplated the last question for a moment. "I teach through example. Is it not obvious what you should be learning?"

Conor thought for a second before responding, "...No, actually...it isn't...unless what I'm supposed to learn is to be dark, mysterious and how to laugh at other ponies misfortune..." Conor sighed before steering the conversation in a different direction, "Is Aura still with the others back at the place? Nopony found 'em yet, right?" He wondered.

"Then you have failed to understand what I have shown you, apprentice. You must think harder..." The mysterious pony's voice trailed away, and he turned his attention to Cloudsdale, which lay silent in the night. "DarkAura and the others are safe for now and will remain in my care until I decide it is safe for them to leave.

Conor nodded in acceptance and stared out at Cloudsdale with the Mysterious Pony before sighing, "Good, at least we have that..." He led into before looking at the ground and uttering a few words, "Come on...let's head back...I don't do well on the first night of these things." He stated before trotting back to where he came from.

"By all means, go ahead. I am afraid that I must decline however. There is much to do, very much to do..."

(Lines for the Mysterious Pony provided generously by the man himself, Hobbes574 :D)

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Well guys, sorry to say but since not all the night actions have been sent in, I'll have to randomly choose who gets captured tonight.

I'll give any Mafia one more chance to send in their targets by giving them 45 minutes at the very most.

Sorry, but we have to keep the game moving somehow :(

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There we go :D


The morning sun peaks it's head to shine on Cloudsdale as the harsh reality of these dark rumors of Changeling activity start to become more and more apparent. In the heart of the city there lies a house, now besieged and left with nothing...Including it's occupants...

SilverSwirl was captured!

SilverSwirl was the Tracker!

Day 2 start!

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