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the perfect team

When you truly love someone, you care about them even when they mess up. Here's a picture of Spike and Twilight. Spike was upset because he ruined dinner, but Twilight says "Its alright."

From the category:

February 2012

· 13 images
  • 13 images
  • 78 image comments

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So true! That's what friends are for: seeing you for you and not for your screwups :D

This is wonderful <3



dude thats adorable

too freakin cute om

Bramble Rose


such a sweet scene.

Poor Spike, took me a moment to see the tears there... and I like how the smoke is making a heart.



Ya, the heart shape in the smoke is a nice detail. :3

Good job with this.



Maybe he sneezed on it. o.o

But all jokes aside i only really have 1 thing to say AWWWWWWWWWW <3 ^-^

Yeah, real nice picture with a very truthful meaning. Love it!

Ginger Mint


Thanks so much, I was really hoping that I'd do right by Twilight and Spike on this one, so I went all out on even the background details. :)

Yeah, Spike is usually pretty good at cooking things with his fire breath, but in this case he just sneezed. And because he's usually so good at cooking, it was even harder on him when he messed it up.



Love the picture, BUT I have one problem with it, his tail looks...oddly placed



How is it dinner time already? It looks like daylight out the window! :P

Ginger Mint


I kind of wanted spike to be holding his arm, to help indicate that he was feeling hurt, but I had to settle for wrapping his tail around his leg instead since he was holding the pan. And I guess maybe its a late lunch instead? :P

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