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Everything posted by Xiee

  1. Xiee

    Sparkle Jump!

    I always love your humanified versions of the mane 6. Such a treat to look at.
  2. They Mayor was taking a break from her daily duties at Town Hall and decided to take a walk along Town Square. The amount of paperwork she had to go through, signing town ordinances, approving the monthly budget and meeting with the local business Ponies was taking a toll. A breath of fresh air would do the trick, so she thought. To her surprise, a crowd began to form around a Unicorn Pony that she had never met before. He appeared to be another traveling magician of some sort. She swore that something similar had happened before and was reminded that the so-called "Great and Powerful Trixie" had made the same claim about their powers being awesome and all that. The Mayor stood there among the crowd and watched as he played with his fire tricks. She sighed and hoped that this wouldn't cause any damage to the buildings in town. She couldn't afford another budget crunch and she just approved repairs for Town Hall and some certain areas in the Marketplace. Nevertheless, she kept a watchful eye on this newcomer and watched as he performed his magic tricks.
  3. "I haven't been working that long on the Airship." She replied, a bit worried that she gave away too much in her last statement. "I only recently came to join the crew by chance and took the job when it was offered to me." Their food had arrived. Grandya had ordered something that she had seen one of her crewmates eat a while back when they were touring the city. Something called Borscht, which was apparently traditional Stalliongrad cuisine. It was a stew mostly of vegetables and it had a distinct red mushy soup mainly due to the beetroot in it. Topped with whip cream and dipped with bread, its taste was divine. Being a Griffon, she was accustomed to hunting game in and around the snowy woodlands of Stalliongrad, but living with Ponies has taught her to adapt to their food choices. "Dig in guys!"
  4. Woah, Cracker Nut is married to Berry Blue? >_<
  5. "Oh musical instruments. Who would've guesssed..." she said as she stretched her wings by flapping them once. "You must be very talented then. By any chance are you going to play anything when the bar opens later?" Penny spent a while talking to Deep Bass as they enjoyed each others company. All the while the other two stallions were still fiddling with the sound system. The owner had returned and by this time had cashed the check she had given him to pay for the repair expenses. Penny excused herself and headed towards Geary and Sound Wave. "By the way boys, if you need to buy parts for your sound system, I gave the owner some bits to cover some expenses. Looks like he's just returned after cashing that check. Ask him for bits if you need to buy anything."
  6. ^ This. The Stallian Guard (VSS) employs the use of other creatures besides ponies such as griffons, zebras and hippogriffs. From what I know, there is currently no order of Knights in Stalliongrad that has multi-racial members. Perhaps you could propose one in the lore section?
  7. That's alright, I'll somehow summarize some need-to-know details in this RP for those who haven't read the fic yet. If you've played Fallout 3, then its very similar, only that the places are substituted with Equestrian Cities, and of course the lore and other stuff.
  8. Updates (Jun28): Want to join a real Pen and Paper Fallout Equestria experience? Details here = Updates about Skills and Special.: I've started to experiment how we can use the Perks and SPECIALs that we included in our apps. I'm in this RP with Chonico and Sturmmann. He has a stubborn Steel Ranger who would not open up when asked about his personal life. So Keen used her SPEECH on him and it went like this: Updates about using Perks in an RP: Now I realize that it could be abused but it's all in good clean fun. If any of you have some ideas on how we can refine this and use the skills, perks and specials in true Fallout fashion, then by all means post them! Of course this is all optional and not required in RPs. I just put it out there for those who want to have a good detail of fun in their RPs. Updated Fallout Equestria Character list and descriptions: 1. Gridpoint(Imagination) - A Pegasus Enclave Pony who finds his way among the residents of Friendship city. 2. Keen(Xiee) - A Unicorn mare who's got the hots for bottlecaps currently residing in Tenpony Tower. 3. Butter Biscuit (Chonico) - A hardcore Earth Pony Steel Ranger who hates savages. 4. Long Shot (Corsair) - A Pegasus Stallion Pony who has seen the harsh realities of the wasteland and loves to gamble. 5. Ace (lonlybrony) - A Unicron Stallion who had a tough foalhood working for gun runners. 6. Dunder Blust (Dunder) - A lonepony Pegasus Stallion wanderer who helps the poor and oppressed. 7. Snowshoe (Sturmmann) - A unicorn mare tinkerer who can fix anything and has a sharp mouth. Current active FoE Threads: The Canterlot Chronicles (OPEN) - The introductory thread for everypony's Fallout Equestria OCs. Walking the Line (INVITE ONLY pm Chonico for details) - The story of a Steel Ranger's quest to hunt down a group of ponies. The Stable (OPEN) - Would you like to dive into a Stable-tec facility and loot its stuff? For more info about the World of Fallout Equestria, please check out the FoE Wiki here: http://falloutequest..._Equestria_Wiki I've been wanting to start a Fallout Equestria crossover RP for a while now but I really didn't have the time back then. Since I'm fairly free right now, I've decided to give this a shot. There have been a few threads popping up asking about those who wanted to do an FoE RP but none really materialized. I'd love to start one but first I needed to know if anybody else wanted to jump into a project like this. Though I would prefer those who have read the FoE Fanfics, I guess anyone can join. I'm going to list the some of the stuff I was thinking about to have in the RP. It would be easier to point out stuff this way. These are just random thoughts to consider. If you guys have anything to add, please do so! - The setting will be exactly like that in the FoE Fanfic universe. - Some RPs might need to be Grimdark and placed in the 18+ section, but just because this is Fallout Equestria, it doesn't mean all the threads we start need to be in the 18+ section. For all we know our RPs can also be in the regular Crossover Sections. - We can RP alongside the events in the Fanfic or perhaps create our own unique epic storyline. - A comprehensive piece about the lore of FoE probably? (Megaspells, Stables/Stable-tec, Evil Alicorns, Da****es, etc) - Or perhaps some of us could app the actual characters in FoE as OCs (Littlepip, Calamity, Velvet Remedy, Steelhooves, Xenith, Homage, etc)
  9. Dragon Ball Z was the first thing I started watching without subtitles because everyone was watching it and I wanted to be in with the crowd. But the first real Anime that I liked and loved, and secretly watched was Sailormoon.
  10. Hmmm... he's cute. Penny thought to herself. That move would definitely woo any other mare, but she wasn't any other mare. She apparently met another interesting character today. She had wished that she had more friends like these when she played Golf, and not the snot-nosed spoiled rich brats who talked about nothing but their wealth and business exploits. "Well, I'll do anything to get this show moving. I was enjoying Sound Wave's song before the speakers went out. I just thought it would be a waste to not hear the rest later... So you're another singer I presume?" She had forgotten about the other two who were still fiddling with the sound system and looked over. When she saw that they were busy talking about replacing the speakers, she decided to indulge herself more with the Stallion she had met.
  11. This is definitely something for the R-18 section. FoE isn't FoE if it isn't grimdark lol. I'm making a crossover OC right now just for this RP. I may have a few Ideas posted here maybe in a few days about details and stuff. I've pretty much read most of the chapters in FoE so I think I have a decent knowledge of the lore behind it.
  12. (( Request this thread be closed since we're missing 2 of our RPers who haven't posted in a while. Thanks! ))
  13. "Who am I supposed to be getting acquainted wi- Oh... Hi." The new Stallion introduced himself and blushed a bit as Sound Wave left them to check on Geary. She hadn't noticed him until she had finished writing down the check and giving it to the owner, who was still dumb-founded and thanking her every minute or so. She put her checkbook back into her saddle purse and sat down on one of the chairs in the lounge. She looked at him from head to hoof and thought that this fellow might be another singer judging from his cutie mark. "Hello. I'm Penny. Just a curious guest who arrived a tad too early before the bar opened. I had nothing to do so I thought I'd help the owner and these boys with their sound system problem. And you are?"
  14. It's been almost a month since I had my internet connection cut. Hopefully, with the help of my brother, I might be getting it back up before April. I've been hanging in there so far. A few people would go crazy without it for a day, imagine a whole month. So far, while waiting for my passport to get processed, I'm stuck play Skyrim. I've tried every sort of character, every sort of race and finished the game twice already. I still love the game and I really can't get tired of it. Anyway... hope I get that internet connection up and running at home soon. Cya Ponies~
  15. Lol, I haven't posted here in like, forever... *flops on everypony*
  16. "And as for others of my kind, most zebras you see in Equestria are still fresh over from the Unyasi savannah. It makes sense I'd be a little different from them, as they're all still struggling to become acclimated to Equestrian culture," "Ah that's nice..." She replied in earnest. "Unyasi... if I'm correct, our crew had planned to fly the airship over there out of curiosity." Grandya wanted to make sure that what she told about her crew and her line of work wouldn't arouse suspicion. She paused for a moment, gathered her thoughts and carefully formed her words. "Well, my crew... let's just say we do things the average airship doesn't do. We deliver things for clients and sometimes acquire difficult-to-get items for them. I guess you could say we're couriers in one way or another." She paused and looked at both the filly and the zebra. She wasn't sure what to make of what the Zebra thought. There was something about her that she just couldn't read, its as if she knew how to hide her emotions from everypony else. As for the filly, she knew that she had every interest in her line of work as she clearly saw how her eyes widened at the mention of what she did.
  17. Bumping this application. I made minor changes editing out the story of her old Captain and replacing it to be more broad and had her experiences targeted to the crew in general instead.
  18. "No, I actually just got here not too long ago. Just been kinda wandering across Equestria for a while now, from Fillydelphia. What about you, where you from?" A kindred spirit. Grandya knew the moment she saw her that this was yet another soul who was trying to find their place in Stalliongrad. Perhaps she had made the right decision to take that fateful walk in the morning. Being able to meet new friends like these were almost impossible for her considering the nature of her job. "Like you, I'm not from here either..." She replied with a tone of familiarity letting the filly know that she felt the same way as she did. "My family moved from Breakbeak City. We had hoped to change our fortunes by moving to Stalliongrad. And so far, it has..." She then turned her attention to Verity. "What about you my good Zebra?" She asked. "I haven't met many of your kind until now. Though I see a lot of you around in Stalliongrad, you always seemed pre-occupied unlike the Ponies who take notice of everything."
  19. Since FoE might be considered "grimdark", you might want to pursue it in the R-18 section to RP. I for one am a fan of Fallout Equestria and have been pondering on starting an FoE based private RP for a while. If you ever consider starting one up, please do pm me and I'd be glad to join.
  20. If Blitz happens to chance upon Stalliongrad, I'd be glad to have a fellow soldier to RP with. I have an Earth Pony who's part of the VSS (Stallian Guard).
  21. The three entered the candy shop and Grandya was just amazed that there were actually shops that specialized in candy. She made a mental note to tell Tinkerbox later where to get his candy. He'd probably be like a little foal when he saw the crazy amount of candy in this shop. Grandya made her selection and filled a bag full of taffy enough to last anypony for a week. She just hoped that Tinkerbox didn't down the whole think when she returned to the airship. "Well that's settled...." Grandya said as she paid the shop owner. "Now how about we go to that little restaurant that I saw across the street earlier. It looks like a cozy family restaurant." As they entered, one of the waiter ponies greeted them. He was an elderly yet energetic pony. She later learned that he was the actual owner when he shouted to his wife who was in the kitchen to get ready. They were show to their seats which had a nice open view of the streets. Grandya had remembered that restaurants like these were a bit expensive, but that was in Ostrov. Surely, it would be cheaper here. She hoped. The old stallion went to get some menus and while they waited, Grandya stirred up some conversation. She turned her attention to Scoundrel. "So... Scoundrel. That's an interesting name. Are you native of this city by any chance?"
  22. Penny listened to the two Stallions go at it about how to fix things until Geary finally said what needed to be replaced. She had approached the restaurant owner and asked if they had any parts to replace the stuff but he sighed saying that they've used up all the parts since the sound system had to be repaired twice this week with the same problems. On a sidenote, the owner was also short of bits to buy the new parts. Like the good Mare that she is, she whipped out her checkbook from her saddle purse and how much what they would cost. To the owner's surprise, he politely declined but Penny insisted. The owner was thankful and reluctantly accepted, although he wasn't really sure how much the parts would cost. She wrote down anyway on her check the amount of 500 bits and assumed it would be enough to cover everything. The owner's jaw dropped and could only gasp at the amount.
  23. It's just one of those days that great unexpected things occur. It's days like these that I just thank God that he watches over me. First off, I was doing some window shopping in one of the malls earlier when I noticed that there was a job caravan going on. I wasn't in my casual attire so I thought I wouldn't fit in, but to my surprise, one of the HR people of a certain company approached me and asked if I had any experience in tech support. I immediately said yes, but I told them that I didn't have my resumes with me and that I wasn't dressed for the interview. (I was wearing a regular yellow shirt with a huge radioactive symbol on the front, camo cargo pants and sneakers) To my surprise they said it didn't matter and all I needed were to fill out a few forms. So I did. After which, I ended up doing 2 practical exams and a written one, all passed. Then came the final interview, that I aced too and they immediately offered me a contract with a sign in bonus and other perks. Of course I wanted to accept it but this is where my second unexpected thing comes in. Earlier, my dad and I were discussing about me looking for work abroad. I told him that I didn't have the resources to do so when he surprisingly said that he'd lend me the money to go to Singapore and apply any dream jobs that I've always wanted. I was speechless really. I almost cried then and there but he said that he only wanted to see me get a better job than any of the local underpaid jobs here. So... I don't want to jinx myself on anything. I'll try to fulfill my requirements and hopefully, I'll either bag that good local paying job, or take on my dad's offer of help. Cya Ponies!
  24. The Mayor was clueless as to what drink was offered to her. This was something new yet inviting. She took a sip and was sold. Her frown had turned into a sigh of satisfaction. She had wondered why she had never come here before and made a mental note to make it a point to at least visit Berry's place at least once a week. Sipping her drink gently, the Mayor finally had a chance to scan the place. A few prominent ponies were among the guests. She decided to mingle and headed towards a group of Ponies but she didn't want to interrupt their conversations. She kept in mind that most of the ponies that were here wanted to relax than be bothered by the regular tiring routine that they usually did in their normal lives. For the moment, the Mayor decided to stay by the bar and enjoy her drink. She had hoped that someone would start a conversation with her, but that didn't really matter. For now, she was satisfied with sipping the drink and that's what all that mattered.
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